Group of three looking for a relaxed place to do some raiding & M+

Hi reader,

We’re a group of three that’s looking for a guild that’s interested in AOTC & doing as high M+ as we can go, we enjoy raiding and would enjoy mythic but it’s such a hassle setting up.
We initially had plans with some friends to set up a small community for TWW but unfortunately it fell through right as raids were released so we’ve all felt a bit bummed out over the course of this past week. However, I figured we’d give it a go to see if there’s any guild/group out there that’s looking for more members that suits us.

We’re looking for people that want to raid during weekday evenings, the only days we’d not be able to raid is mostly just weekends, m+ however is much easier to sort out and we should be available for that a whole lot more.

Short introduction;
Me, the writer has been playing WoW since 2005, I played like a true addict from classic until roughly after WoD when a big part of my community quit, afterwards I ended up falling in and out of the game and not really accomplishing much, I’d join some friends that raided for the occasional raid but never stuck around due to not having a big community around anymore. I deeply enjoy the game and miss playing at the higher end but pug life straight up isn’t doing it for me, I prefer playing with friends and pushing keys. I can play pretty much any role/class if needed but genuinely prefer playing Warrior or Druid as Fury/Balance respectively.

Second person in our group is my significant other who I managed to convince to join me in playing a bit of DF and he thoroughly enjoyed the game as well, he’s never gotten to raid properly but has tons of experience in Destiny 2 and FFXIV raiding. Mostly only plays DPS, right now it’s mainly Warlock, Monk & Hunter.

Third person;
Good friend of mine that’s also played the game since 2005~, mostly a pvp’er but done occasional raids throughout the years, really enjoys m+ and would love to get back in to raiding. Mostly plays a Blood DK at the moment but is also willing to be flexible.

We all speak English as a first language as well.

Thanks for taking the time to read all this, if any guild is interested in having us or if there’s a group of 7 people looking to just gather a bit more for raiding and M+ just drop a message and we can have a chat :slight_smile:

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Hey there!
If you are still looking for a guild to raid with, I’d like to throw my hat in the ring. You can take a gander here and if it seems like something you guys would be interested in, we can continue the conversation then. Thank you!

Hi Tojani

Were a Guild on Ravenscrest, We Raid 2 nights a week Wednesday and Sunday. We clear Heroic each Tier. We don’t normally touch Mythic Raids.
Mature players in the guild/Raid Team.
Very Chill atmosphere.
M+ Nights - Usually twice a week but players are always up for M+
Plenty of players on to join in things.
We have 2 tanks at present so no guarantee of Tanking in Raids Currently. But if the Tanks are interested in dpsing and standing in for our Tanks that could be an option.
Also plenty of M+ runs that always require Tanks.
If you wish to ask me more just get in touch Shedwise#2192

Hi mate,

I may be offer you a guild that suits your needs, although we may need some flexibility in roles but happy to discuss.

Ill leave our forum link, take a look and let me know.

Good luck