Someone can explain why joining group finder now need a trip to oribos to sincronize the phase between members?
I couldnt understand this change.
maybe to make it even harder for those realm hoppers? no idea honestly, just a wild guess.
It makes it harder to do the 3 player quests…annoying is what it is
So it’s not a thing of group finder putting WM and NON-WM people together? That explains things.
When I tried to group earlier, everyone was bubble phased out I was like “whaaaaaaaaaaat?!” and after numerous goes I gave up
There is also post on wowhead about this
Basicly, it wont phase you to your group in open world, u have to be in oribos, or sanctury when forming group ( ans your group too) to see them and be in same phase.
Reason to this? No idea, maybe to help servers with random hoping, but honestly it feels like bug while its intended
FFS again one of those daft changes that will hurt the majority who didn’t abuse this system.
And especially that sinister hiding of this system until the expansions launched…
It could be’… but i had to solo the [quote=“Lommatik-draenor, post:5, topic:212013”]
Basicly, it wont phase you to your group in open world, u have to be in oribos, or sanctury when forming group ( ans your group too) to see them and be in same phase.
Yes… i was reading the post on wowhead but sincerely as you said this has no sense at all. its faster attack the elite and hope that someone is around. Now with launch is simple… but maybe after some time in sl not.
Hope they reverse this madness (such dramatic! )
yeah, i tried to queue for an elite as well and i ended up giving up finding a group and just tried to solo it. luckily someone else cam and help but its kind of defeating the purpose of having the eye function at all.
Ive read the blue post. They hot fixed it. Good move.
feels idiotic and counter productive
nobody is gonna do that this way -_-
wait - i just thought about something - what about phasing for mythic 0 and mythic + - do we also have to go back to oriboros ?
they fixed it today
Why would they do it to deal with rrandom hopping.
This fully counter acts the reason it being an MMO.
Yes… i was reading the post on wowhead but sincerely as you said this has no sense at all. its faster attack the elite and hope that someone is around. Now with launch is simple… but maybe after some time in sl not.
Not if you’re in shards with less then 4 people around you >.>
And trheres no shard in dependant chat :@
they fixed it today
Did they? I didnt recieve an update
Well maybe to help servers, u have different phases, war mode on off, different parts of story for different phases once again and servers need to “calculate” who can be phased with who… Made it caused some issues… Now idea tbh.
Yes they did revert it, this “feature” is now maw only. ( which kind of makes sense tbh)
It never really gave an issue before so why would it after SL?
Glad they fixed this, makes wqs much more bearable.
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