Please remove the ability to group for these quests, it’s utterly depressing and cringe to see 10 man raids running around “farming sparks”.
You can’t raid the quest
It’s only 5 man groups tho.
Ok, 5 man groups. I feel much better about getting ganked by 5 man groups than 10 man ones. The point totally did not go over your heads.
- you cant make a 10 man group for this quest
- what are healers supposed to do if no group option, heal the enemy to death?
It is a difference whether something is done in a 5man or a raid. A raid is much more of an issue than a party.
Rather than complaining about people making parties in a multiplayer game, you could just join/make your own party to do the WPvP quest.
I also want to add that even a 5 man group is not a guarantee for success because this Sparks quest became literally a battleground with several 5 man teams against each other, which is very fun but is a matter of luck how many other groups you have against you and how skilled your team is. It’s difficult to complete even with 5 man.
GL ever getting that Cobalt Assembly WQ done when the “arena” is full of fully buffed, 1 million hp teaming allies while other groups are farming graveyard so you can’t never ress. Amazing design.
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