Before we start, I know building your own is a better but several factors(location, budget, and options) have lead me to consider buying a prebuilt pc.
The specs in a nut shell are as follows
I5 processer
Gtx 1650 video card
8g ram
120 SSD
2TB hdd
Now, I am worried about the gtx 1650. Is it going to run WoW without any issues? I need some second, more experienced opinions.
I’m playing with a GTX 760, works fine enough. Not on the highest quality settings, of course, but the game is perfectly playable and enjoyable. The GTX1650 is considerably more powerful than my GPU, so you should be fine.
The GPU/graphics card isn’t the primary bottle-neck w/ WoW, the CPU is… as long as you can compute the frames the GPU will display them; what better graphics cards allow for is - mostly - better than 1080p (1920x1080) resolution.
If your i5 is 7th Gen. or better (i5-7xxx), you should be good.
I’d say it’s probably your game drive… is it an SSD? If it is, how new is it?
Not that long ago I was using an i5-4690K and 32GB (latterly 16GB) DDR3 with the same GPU I have now… and with SSD’s on system & game drives - no load time glitches at all.
The way I have my storage setup is:
Windows/System on 1st SSD (250GB)
Games (OK, mainly WoW…) on a second SSD (500GB)
Data (downloads/documents/files) on HDD (1TB)
i7-7xxx will still be more than capable, but WoW installed on a SSD, or with an Optane ‘boost set-up’ (as you’re running an Intel CPU), will help the most.
What may also be worth a try is an m.2 drive for Windows, & then use your SSD as a game (install) drive… 128GB parts are under £30 (in the UK).
While WoW is running that seems a bit much… but that further shows how CPU dependant WoW is.
The harder the CPU works pulling/pushing data from/to a mechanical drive, the less scope there is for actual processing of the game.