Guardian druid 11.1

I wonder how Guardian will fare in the new season. According to the latest reports, he should be in the B/C tier range. Will he really be that bad? What do you think?

Guardian will never ever be less than A tier. Sadly, probably never be S tier either.

I think that even if a guardian is given a buff of 50% of all his damage, judging by what I see on the PTR, he still won’t turn out to be a meta in the second season.

This whole meta issue every season… I just play what I enjoy, but I do get that some people only want metas for making life easier! :slight_smile: All tanks have a similar tier bonus right ?

Guardian is below C tier as off now.

The guardian is now in the keys somewhat worse than the dh and the paladin, and that’s it. What are you talking about anyway?

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Sounds like a skill issue to me. I have never once died on Guardian, unless we had to wipe. I see other tank dropping left and right and also needing a lot more attention from healers.

I doubts its a skill issue when were talking about Guardian. I think its more a Meta-slave thing. I just commented on OPs post “…, he should be in the B/C tier range.” The Guardian druid is below C tier on every tier list out there right now. I main Guardian aswell, and i just did a couple of +10s today @ 648ilvl. I felt comfortable in survival, but i lack alot of damage. Most of all, single target damage.

just no.
for example, see wowhead tierlist

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I don’t think that you should bother with the opinion of those who don’t even know what a tier list is.

Hint: it’s not a damage-meter ladder.