Returning wow player here, looking for a casual pve/pvp guild.
What am i looking for?
Friendly M+, N and HC raiding in a casual atmosphere. Not interested at all in Mythic raiding. Also interested in Rbgs but mostly pve.
Who am i?
I’ve been playing wow since 2005, on and off since cata and then went full on casual in Mop. I dont have the time to commit to a hardcore guild and i dont want to but the pug world now a days is just unbearable. Recently came back from classic since i simply got tired of the grind of it.
Hope there are guilds like this out there, and if there are then please contact me ingame or here:
Also currently playing Horde on Ragnaros but im willing to transer for the right guild!
Hey there! =)
Sounds like Ministry of Silly Wipes could be a good fit for you!
We’re social/casual raiding guild; currently on HC (2/10 down), and about to start normal Alt runs on a friday night.
We do Mythic+ throughout the week, with Thursday evening being set on the calendar for us to help others in the guild who may need it (mostly for me to go help, as that’s my one certain day off each week; members generally help each other throughout anyway).
We’re all quiet social, and chat alot on Discord when we’re on in the evenings.
Please check out our thread, and if we sound like what you’re after, feel free to add me for a chat!
Discord: xWestie#9361
Bnet: Westie#2496
Hi Docdruid
I’ve sent you a battlenet friends request should you be interested in a chat 
Hi there! I run a Horde guild on the connected realms of Lightbringer/Mazrigos and it sounds like we’re the guild you’re looking for.
We are an adult, casual raiding guild. We organise two raids a week (Normal and Heroic - we don’t do Mythic). We are currently organising two days a week for casual M+ of varying levels, alongside the usual ad-hoc M+ run throughout the week. We have a PvP night which is essentially having a giggle and trying to win the occasional BG.
Please check out our realm advert for additional details: [H] Dark Wolves - 18+, Casual Normal/Heroic raiding, M+ & Social
We also welcome guests to our discord where we organise a lot of the ad-hoc M+ and generally treat it as a guild chat outside of WoW: https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe
Feel free to pop on, ask questions or just have a mooch and check us out