Hi there! I run a Horde guild on the connected realms of Lightbringer/Mazrigos and it sounds like we’re the guild you’re looking for.
We are an adult, casual raiding guild. We organise two raids a week (Normal and Heroic - we don’t do Mythic). We are currently organising two days a week for casual M+ of varying levels, alongside the usual ad-hoc M+ run throughout the week. We have a PvP night which is essentially having a giggle and trying to win the occasional BG.
Please check out our realm advert for additional details: [H] Dark Wolves - 18+, Casual Normal/Heroic raiding, M+ & Social
We also welcome guests to our discord where we organise a lot of the ad-hoc M+ and generally treat it as a guild chat outside of WoW: https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe
Feel free to pop on, ask questions or just have a mooch and check us out