Guardian Druid Raze or Ironfur m+?


In m+ what do i use as a rage spender? Wow head tells me raze for the shield, so i don’t use ironfur stacks at trash? Only for bosses?

Ironfur over Raze. Raze should be spare rage spender Ironfur should be main.

Ok cause Wow head says otherwise, shield from raze would outperform IF in m+

Where does wowhead say otherwise?

You always prio Ironfur over Raze because you’re a tank. Ironfur is to valuable. You should always have a stack of ironfur to help your healer and you can have up to armor cap with iron fur.

It does say it in the rotation section because it gives an absorb which is already better vs magic dmg than ironfur

I dont read anything about magic dmg…

But hey,

Ursol’s Fury is based on damage dealth. Its situationial.

The absorb shield aint gonna last long on mythic 10+. It helps very little. Yes, It possible stops more ‘direct’ damage. But once that shield is gone and you spend all your rage on raze with no IF or defencives, your squishy.

Last season I prio on VP I got two shot for instance w/o Ironfur.

And uhm, Rotation is based on what you’re specced into.

Yes. I do have raze, but I still would rathere help my healer having more survivabillity and let the dps do theyr thing. I still DO 50-70k dps single target without raze or maul.

Well, ironfur is useless against magic damage because it only increases armour.

I suspect proper play is something like ‘maintain x stacks of ironfur and dump excess rage into raze/maul’.

Thats etxactly what I said.

The point being discussed by OP is wether using raze is better defensively since it gives a big absorb shield that also absorb magicaö dmg as opposed to using IF to give more armor. No one is talking about sacrificing def for more dps its which one would give more absorb for the rage spent as outlined in the wowhead guide

No, you said:

Sorry, that wasn’t you. I mixed you up with the OP.

In what world am I Xjaderian?

[quote=“Shashak-ravencrest, post:9, topic:478682, full:true”]
The point being discussed by OP is wether using raze is better defensively since it gives a big absorb shield that also absorb magicaö dmg as opposed to using IF to give more armor. No one is talking about sacrificing def for more dps its which one would give more absorb for the rage spent as outlined in the wowhead guide
[/quote]? OP stated and I quote:

When infact you should always have at least a stack of ironfur even at trash.

Bear tanks are squishy tanks.

Cause you do. Read the rest of that post please. You litterally prioritise having at least a stack or two, or preferable 3 of iron fur before spending on maul/raze.

Seems you didn’t read the rest of my post. But I’ll quote what you said, and add a little emphasis seeing as you’re claiming you said something that you didn’t:

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