Seriously why does the port of zandalar have no guards? I play an defias brotherhood and daily there’s an argent dawn raid group sitting in the docks not being attacked by any of the horde mobs and we don’t have ant guards besides a couple at the steps to the main pyramid.
I’ve been to do the same in bolaris and you can’t because there are guards and hostile mobs EVERYWHERE.
Please just add some guards to the docks area and make the warfront soldiers hostile to alliance as they should be.
Boralus and Zul have quite different layouts with pros and cons for each.
Your dock guards have been increased a bit I believe. It’s certainly less fun to attack players on the boat at docks now. But why should npcs do all the work in a wpvp game mode, they are just a deterrent. The Zul docks is a very easy spot for Horde to defend. Any time I see Horde in Boralus, they seem to know the good spots.
There is always a PvP solution. If the Alliance are really causing so much trouble, they are likely to have multiple bounties. There’s your motivation to group up and wipe em. Never fails in the many times I’ve visited your docks
Because these guards punish solo players and reward raid groups as solo players won’t be able to kill them but raid groups will still be able to easily oneshot them.
Ye, it’s a shame bounties fall off so easy. Maybe at least make the bounty stay on for x hour(s) after last pvp activity, regardless of logging out etc. Blizz obv see a gameplay issue with that. Usually it can work out for Horde tho, always 40+ on the Pyramid, and a real quick trip to docks.
Those that group up should always be rewarded over the solo player.
Solo players complaining about getting ganked isn’t an issue with wm. It’s their choice to play solo when they know solo players have higher risk of pixel death. That’s the game. Play solo, but accept consequence.
Never understood why bounty/assassin can be dropped so easility - just relog, accept queue, go for fatigue border, die to a mob/fall without enemy player involvement…
I think it should be changed for more “stickiness”:
Bounty is removed only if killed with PvP, on Kul Tiras / Zandalar / New zones. No other deaths/instances/loading screens or logging off should remove it.
Assassin buff should stay if you teleport between Kul Tiras / Zandalar / New zones, and removed on any death only in open world (not in instances) or after some time when logged out (similar to conjured items).
About this constant “Give more guards, better guards, etc…”:
I never viewed guards as something to protect players from other players - it’s a MMO, want to deal with other players - join with players on your side.
Guards are not there to solve your WPvP problems for you, they are there to punish those players who attack/kill others in places where it’s not advisable to do. Guards in capitals are there to protect city/king/queen/some important NPC and not a player.
Best solution for any WPvP situation is always WPvP - other players, not NPCs.