Guide for Writing Good Character Profiles

If it’s there, I’ll use it. Nothing in the quotes you’ve provided suggest that I do or do not want a cash shop, other than that I would possibly take advantage of a cash shop if it was available.

I like spending money.

All I’ve stated there is that I’ll support the feature ‘if’ it is added. I appreciate Blizzard for their continued dedication and service to the game, and will gladly support a company that not only supports charity with some of their optional content but that’s also been so good to me over the years.


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Very chill of you, and I agree, it would be in your right to do so! Hey, for what it’s worth, I appreciate you only using an ad hominem on me once during this topic.

If you’re referring to this;

I literally couldn’t make any sense of what you said, and I don’t want to take you out of context or come to an assumption that may misrepresent what you are trying to get across.

That’s not Ad Hominem.

No, no, I’m referring to this


Oh. I owe you an apology for that.

I’ve done you a grievous insult, truth be told, and I regret it. It’s like being compared with an angsty puppy.

My sincerest apologies, sir!

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coolthanx:) but even if you do make it sound like a small/insignificant grievance

I think it’s everyone’s right to oppose unjust libel. You’ve certainly been enjoying your fair share of that. And more power to you.

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Why did Ventheas bring that argument to this forum thread, couldn’t it just have stayed in the classic forum?


I was congratulating her on a good guide whilst claiming this is definitely a better choice of words / productive activity compared to her past. It wasn’t my choice to elaborate on the thing, I just defended myself.

That would be nice and all except, if you look at the dates of this post and the post in your screenshots, this guide is older. So saying you are glad they have changed from “trolling” in the classic forums to making good guides is wrong. They made the guide before the “trolling.”


Very well spotted! There is a silver lining, however… well, two in fact.

  1. If you wish it of me, I would officially amend my initial congratulatory statement to the following: “I’m sad to see you had a better self before degenerating into vain activities on the other thread, perhaps you could return to this form.”

  2. It is also true that both before and after the creation of this guide, Mion is still engaging in uncouth posting, on that same thread, which would technically justify my original congratulatory message.

So, it’s up to you really, to decide which one takes priority and becomes reality.

You’ve become the thing you vowed to destroy Ventheas… you’ve flogged that high horse and all that’s left is bone and gristle.


I personally would like if you kept your beef with Mion and arguments about classic to the forum post where they originated rather than chasing through someone’s post history and bringing it up out of context.

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I’m not even remotely vain. On the contrary, I’m highly self-depreciating and not above pointing out my own flaws or admitting when I’m objectively incorrect.

It may be memory failing me but I don’t think that thread existed before this one, or at the least, I don’t remember posting my opinion in there prior to the existence of this entirely unrelated guide. I do not view my posts as even remotely uncouth.

You could argue that it’s uncouth to mix condescending praise with what’s actually an indirect attack, as well as violating the TOS to post links without trust level 3.

Anyway! I’m in agreement with Ryglil. A lot of people use this thread for a rough reference and we’re both doing them an injustice by derailing it.


In that context vain = ineffective; Not doing anyone any good… as the ongoing discussion can attest.

But my powers have doubled, no that’s not the quote -… but I will always do my part! I dislike subtle hypocrisy left unchecked, lying by omission etc.

If your jedi council finds me guilty, so be it.

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We do not grant you the rank of Master.


But it’s already done Jaina, even if you can’t watch me do this.

I dislike people dragging drama all the way to other forum sections altogether, and then just pushing on and on and on about it despite no one wanting to hear about it.

I can see why you’d be interested in classic WoW.


Though I am not guilty of any of this.

If you think Mion is being hypocritical in this post, just point it out then, otherwise you still don’t have a reason for posting here. Or is Mion “lying by omission” by not mentioning that they think the cash shop is ok in classic in this post?

If you think Mion is doing something that is bad, maybe just report them for it. I don’t think you should but it might be better than what you are doing.


Just to let you all know. There are some edits to come soon on this guide, but I am currently writing up a guide for another issue I would like to address based on recent negative experiences in the role-playing community.