I think this is all fairly basic stuff. There is so much more you can do to make a better rp character.
Also two things I disagree on. First of all history. I never write down my characters history in my trp profile. I do not want to give people the chance to meta game and also give them the opportunity to find out by actually roleplaying with me.
A voice is a personal choice that gives a bit more flavor to your character. It is not about freedom for the person who roleplays with you, this is your character. If you feel like your character has a unique voice, you can share the voice actor. It is up to someone else if they actually check it out. I only do so with people I rp with often.
A tip I want to give people is about personality. A lot of people slowly turn their characters into themselves or create unrealistic personalities who move all over the place. Give your character an alignment and google up personality profiles. That is if you really want to make an effort in fleshing out a character.
History is the second thing that influences it. Past experiences often influence your actions now, the same goes for your character.