Guild and 2x players robbed of CE Achievement

Our guild have been working hard to get our 1st CE before Season 2 start, on sunday night we finally killed Queen with 16x members of our guild and a 4 friends of the guild helping us out due to absences etc, on the actual kill 2x of our players disconnected towards the very end of the fight (halfway through p3) the disconnect was no fault of theirs, they were both on Twisting Nether EU server which appeared to have gone down briefly as they could not log back in and the server was missing from the realms list.

Anyway long story short they get back online a minute later, can loot the boss and eligible for loot, but they didn’t receive their cutting edge achievement and so our guild also didn’t receive it as it only counted 14 players instead of the required 16. Raised a ticket but blizz are basically doing nothing, even though we sent them logs and a vod of the kill “thanks”

Sucks for both those players and as a Guild, blizzard support just seems automated and the responses are either scripted or AI, can we actually get someone from support to look into this, as we know for a fact Twisting Nether went down based of other people posts (Twisting nether server crash? - #6 by Foodplz-twisting-nether) and I have also had people tell me Blizzard have resolved this issue for them in Dragonflight when they didn’t get crtedited for AoTC achievement for a disconect issue.


It’s not about the achievement, it’s about friends you make along the way. :slight_smile:

On Sunday my guild killed Queen Ansurek Mythic for the first time, but seconds before the kill the Twisting Nether server went down, taking 2 of our players offline.

Because of this those 2 players were not awarded the CE achievement, and because we had 4 helpers from another guild in, the guild didn’t get the CE achievement. To be clear, with everyone online we had 16 guild members and 4 helpers - inline with the requirements for a guild achievement.

I’d include links to the Logs/VOD but links aren’t allowed.

Both DC’d players were loot eligible.

Is it possible to retroactively award the affected players, and the guild, the missing CE achievement as the issue was caused by a server outage and the achievement is no longer possible.


For clarity, the affected guild is Causing Mischief-Sylvanas

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Hello folks!

This situation is not something that can be investigated through Forums, but necessarily requires a ticket.

For the sake of clarity I’d like to also mention that forum staff is also unable to override or change any kind of decision that GMs may have taken on any ticket you may have already opened.

If you are not happy with GM replies to your tickets you can of course reopen them, but please keep in mind that doing so may not change the outcome of your request :frowning:

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Hi Felranys.

We currently have a few tickets in regarding this issue. I’m waiting for a reply from the most recent exchange. I would like to point out that the GM in my ticket mentioned sharing our experience on the forum, which we have done. Though contradictingly you’re telling us that this is the incorrect approach?

For reference my ticket with this conversation is #EU98558403

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While I am not 100% sure of the GM intention here, I have a feeling there may have been a tiny bit of a misunderstanding.

Sharing your experience on the Forums may be indeed useful in some circumstances as more players may have experience the same issue, and potentially found workarounds/alternative solutions to share with each other.
In some cases (mostly bug related) having a number of reports about a problem may also help speeding up potential resolutions due to the involved teams having a bigger pool of cases to analyze.

For problems that require - for investigation and/or resolution - a direct intervention/check of player characters and accounts Forums are however not the best venue, as accessing those elements is only possible through tickets.

In this specific case for example since the problem is very specific to what your guild experienced, and any kind of action requires access to the involved characters and accounts, a Forum topic doesn’t really help much as we simply do not have the means to even consider investigating what may have happened in-game, let alone looking for a possible solution - if any is available :frowning:

What I believe may have been a misunderstanding here, is that the GM handling your case may have understood the problem as a consequence of a game bug rather than an unfortunate series of coincidences that lead to an unfortunate situation - which you hope to have them look into and possibly resolved.

I see you have reopened the ticket now anyway with additional details, so hopefully that will help the GMs with processing your request further!


Thanks Felranys, I think you might be correct.

I’ll keep pushing with the GM ticket :slight_smile:

Best of luck to you and your guild Hapkodo, I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers: