Guild and Raiding Advice needed:

There’s also the fact there isn’t anything linear about percentiles in relation to DPS. Percentiles rise linearly, while DPS does not, it often bottlenecks around performance at certain common item levels, and it’s very common for an increase of 10-20% nearer the middle to produce a much larger increase in DPS than it would going from 70-80. Obviously there are exceptions, and in the top top percentiles things can skew much more wildly in much smaller differences, but on the whole the point is to understand percentile is a metric of measuring you against the entire field, when it would possibly more useful to consider yourself against what is possible.

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I thought Hunter was?


I was thinking more in the lines of… How bad can you be if you raid 7 days a week unless you are participating in the world first race, which is kinda over by now.

Or maybe he wants to play a new character in a raid every day.

I don’t know, but I don’t get it(or well, when I was new to the game, I wanted to raid 6 nights a week).

Huh. I didn’t even know I was making those mistakes. Although the Kill Command thing is common, because I have the bow that reduces the cooldown and sometimes it’s almost immediately after I use Cobra Shot.

That’s pretty neat. Thanks.

Edit: I’d like to point out that i’m still learning how to play Hunter. At the point I’m at now, I feel like I’ve learnt most of what I can learn through playing. I am always trying to have uptime on my abilities. The problem is finding the balance. Where it says I need to be getting Bestial Wrath up by spamming Barbed Shot, isn’t that a little wasteful considering I should use it when I don’t have any focus? I look at the APM side of things more than the burst windows.
Even then, my DPS isn’t the problem. It’s the mechanics of the fight, that’s the biggest inaccuracy of that analyzer for me unfortunately. Believe it or not, I didn’t understand Drestigath’s fight until Heroic where I discovered the way to damage the boss is to stand in the pools (Because that was only bought up during this raid).

But I’m not here to create excuses or be perfect. I’m here to have fun and get a shiny mount.

seems like you want to join a mythic progression guild, why not just do that?

I cannot speak specifically to the mechanics of beast mastery, but often optimisations like that aren’t what you’d instinctively call clean. They require a bit of weighing of pros and cons, like global efficiency vs reduced cooldown of valuable ability.

As far as wowanalyzer’s ability to factor fight mechanics. It can’t. At best it’s one of many tools you can use to attempt to find gaps in your performance and improve as a player.

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I dunno. Mythic might be a bit of a stretch. I think I can understand the mechanics fine. It’s just getting the gear to be viable for it. And the time I need to invest for it. I’m outputting 50k tops on my main. I might be getting there on my Druid alt (Balance). If I’m needing to do more damage, the problem would be getting the gear I need. Best in slot, tier 3 corruptions, Azerite Traits, Essences. It’s a train wreck in that area because of RNG.

Gear is something mythic guilds, especially before progress, often see past. Gear is a tier by tier thing, you get it eventually, you lose it at the end, the process repeats.

Time is also a strange thing, I find the time investment for mythic raiding to be pretty low. I raid 9 hours a week, just at fixed times, my character upkeep is something I would largely be doing regardless of if I raided mythic or not. What I will say though is it’s a test of are you willing to schedule your play time? While the commitment might be low in terms of hours, it has to be consistent and it has to be thorough.

We’re mid progress now as a community, which definitely makes it harder to move up into mythic raiding, but honestly as far as your progression path goes from what you’ve said here, I think you’re right that it’s possibly not the next step for you. Something you might want to look into for next expansion, when everything starts anew, sure, but right now I think a lot of your growth in PvE is going to have to come from personal play and improvement.

Next week is mythic week 4. It’s traditionally the week a majority of mythic raid guilds stop scheduling heroic raids. It’s often an explosion of “Farm clear” heroic raids in LFG, because though the guild doesn’t feel it worth their time to schedule a heroic raid, there are still people interested. These raids are often fairly fast paced, and consist of players who are performing in those higher percentile brackets, and while you aren’t going to make a dent or impression on them (That’s just how it is, not trying to be rude), it does provide an environment where mostly everyone around you is a much greater than average player.


It’s the same in Mythic Pluses I guess. If nobody recruits me, that’s probably because of my low scores, wherever they may be. My M+ Raider IO is really low because I’m always let down by undergeared or toxic players. I’ve only quit one Mythic Plus this season, but that was because of a small emergency that happened IRL, and I feel bad for it. I wasn’t punished for it, when I probably should have been. Then this other time, as my DPS, I was doing a Motherlode 11 where the tank rage quit because of one small mistake, and at that point, I just wanted to never touch Mythic Plus again.

I’m not afraid to admit where I’m wrong or screwed up. I suppose that’s a strong point about raiding with me. I see so many players not fess up when they slip up on a mechanic. I used to be the lowest DPS in my old guild, and I was called out for that, I was like, yeah I am. I’ll try to do something about it. And I did. I was on the top 5. Eventually Heroic Ashvane, I was topping meters. And I quit shortly after that because I realized this guild wasn’t capable of defeating her. This was on top of some drama (I appeared in a preach video, but the story was edited and cut out the actual drama). Part of it was the DPS check, but another part was the mechanics. Cutting Coral being the most annoying.

I suppose where I go from here is find a guild who wants to do 12/12 Heroic, and push +15 M+ keys for a weekly, and take a break after that. I have put myself as looking for guild on WoWprogress, but I doubt it’s gonna get any guild’s attention given how bad my description is.


My story of how I got into my current guild. I used the Guild Recruitment tab, and it was a guild who beat 8/8 EP HC when it was current content. So I thought this would be a good guild to join. And it is.

I was put on as a trial, and was asked about joining their raiding team. I said I’d give it a shot. The Raid Leader did a DPS check on me with the dummies, for some reason. Then we raided EP HC just after 8.3 dropped. I got my achievement for it, and the raid leader said I had done well.

Then Ny’alotha normal. We beat the first three bosses quite easily. A few wipes, but nothing major. Then we get to Hivemind, and my keyboard stops working. It just does this clicky sound. Something to do with Windows. I had to restart my entire PC whilst everyone in Discord was wondering why I wasn’t ready.

I come back, enter the game, to find I’ve been promoted to Raider. I got a whisper from the Raid Leader after they had defeated Hivemind without me, saying I seemed to know what I was doing. I had not watched any guides on Ny’a, I just wanted to experience it and learn that way. It’s a little easier to understand than looking at guides. I have learning difficulties by the way, if that is probably why I understand it better through experience. I don’t know why I can’t follow and remember guides.

So I was promoted to raider immediately, that’s kinda when I knew I felt like I was in the wrong place. That didn’t seem normal to me because it happened so quick.

Later on, a guildie quit because of drama, and I think we were too elitist for her or something? Possibly because I was raiding on an alt too (as a tank backup).

And just yesterday, I got a PM from a fellow Hunter in the raid team asking for advice on how to do the most damage. (They were in the EP HC raid when current too)

I don’t know whether that’s normal or not, it’s for you to decide, but it felt like I was with the wrong group, in terms of skill and knowledge. That’s partly why I asked this question today. (And why I wanted it to be anonymous)

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Guilds will kill themselves for raiders that meet 3 criteria

  1. Reliable (sign up show up on time, no exceptions)
  2. Be prepared, mechanics first
  3. Acceptable dps
    People tend to fixate on mah purple logs or whatever.

I’m not saying that stuff isn’t important but don’t underestimate the value of being the guy that can be depended on. I ran a guild at or around Cutting Edge level for 7 years and the roster boss can be hard for guilds. If you can tick point one off you’ll be more valuable in your raid leaders eyes than the guy that gets amazing parses ‘if he shows’.

But put yourself out there on wowprogress and speak to people. Emphasise potential and willingness, like was said, you’re a medium fish in a small pond, you aren’t going to impress anyone saying how much better you are than you’re guildies, its not a good comparison.

Also, look for a guild on a big server. Guilds die through burnout / old game / RL got a life suddenly etc. Small servers make moving hard.


OP, I’ve been in this position at the start of Legion. I did heroic clears with my old guild and was top of the charts and the game felt easy.

After a while I got fed up as my fellow raiders were not on the same level (no disrespect, but it’s just how it was).

I then applied to a couple of Mythic progression guilds and was declined for all of them (about 4-5), UNTILL I got a trial in a decent mythic guild that got cutting edge the previous tier.

Once I joined that guild I learned so much:

-I learned how to use logs and how to improve my performance that way.

-Simming my character properly. Before joining a mythic guild I didn’t even know how to do this. This is such an important thing to perform well.

-improved my overall playing (I only play with weakaura’s, bars hidden, everything on muscle memory. This was probably one of the most important improvements as this enabled to me to focus on game mechanics rather than my chars rotation.

-Above all I learned what it was / is to raid on that level. Example: frustrations can get high after wiping literally hundreds of times on the same boss, but in a mythic progression guild things turned out to be much more chill as people understand they’re trying to do the hardest content in the game and expect to wipe alot.

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