Guild and Raiding Advice needed:

This patch has been a hell of a ride. I mean, literally hell.

I’ve been playing WoW for roughly 1.5 years now. Yes, I’m a new player. Not new to games a whole. I have lots of experience in non-MMO games.

I’m finding heroic raiding too easy? Similarly with Mythic Plus keys. I’m yet to even attempt a +15, but I’m always let down by toxic or undergeared players in +10s, so I can never get higher. I understand all the mechanics fine. Test me on the dungeon and affix if you don’t believe me. (I DPS and Tank)

I have this feeling that I don’t belong here. As in, what’s difficult for others isn’t difficult for me? Could this be my years of gaming experience paying off? A lot of things click into place when it comes to raiding. It’s about observing the fight for the first few pulls, then putting what you’ve found to the test and putting up a good fight. But also innovating. My Raid Leader has never suggested I use turtle at any point (I play Hunter), and I try to think how I can apply that to the fight. Obviously use it in emergency situations. But a fight like Vexiona or Ilganoth, I’d use it to place pools on top of pools. Or disengage over them.

I main a hunter currently, and it’s a pain to gear up. Mythic Pluses are the worst, and getting best in slot gear, or at least finding a setup that works is becoming near impossible. For major essences especially. Currently, I’ve had to use Essence Of The Focusing Iris because Condensed Life Force doesn’t do enough damage, or as much. Plus the Focusing Iris is better cleave and AOE damage, I don’t sacrifice anything by using it. It’s a 150-250k damage ability

As if this wasn’t bad enough, Hunters don’t have a tanking spec, for whatever reason? Talk about a lack of creativity. Hunters can easily have a tanking spec, utilizing taunt swapping and misdirect.
Make it so the pet applies a debuff to the enemy making the enemy do less damage, as a defensive. Hell, make it so that this debuff makes the enemy do 5% less damage from everything, even to the raid. Make a new and interesting tank.

As for my issue specifically, I’m feeling burnt out from all the content I’m not playing. Other classes, raiding (With my current guild, 2 raids a week is too short for me), and Mythic Pluses (Which I have to pug because most of the guild isn’t able to do +10s, and it’s got a lot of casuals, absolutely pointless).

The advice I’m looking for is what to do from here. I want to join a guild which raids daily, possibly with a similar interest as I do, which is collecting mounts? And then possibly taking a vacation afterwards. Unsub, and unwind. Or for me, level up alts and pursue hobbies.

On top of that, I’d like to know the best and most fun DPS and Tank spec class (A class that has these specs) for Ny’alotha, and possibly going into Shadowlands (predict). I have a 120 DK, Monk, Druid and Demon Hunter. DH and DK are fun though. I kinda want to replace my Hunter if and when I get into a new guild. One that doesn’t require as much grinding for essences and Azerite gear.

I just want to find the time to raid for a month or so straight until we beat it, then do something else for the rest of it and have a well deserved break or something. Where would I find something like this?

And I suppose it leads me to the question, is it worth race changing my Kul’Tiran druid to DH or DK? Given that it’s viable for HC raiding?
Edit: My Druid is almost up to the gearing point my Hunter is in terms of essences, cape, Azerite Gear, weapons.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Thanks for the replies. This ended up a bit more kindly than I expected. To explain my logs, I’m not claiming to be the best player. I’ve still got a lot to learn about my class it appears. But I think my end goal is to just get Ahead of the Curve and the new mount, and that’s me done. I’m not going to be perfect. What matters is we try.

If your guild doesnt match your needs you should start looking for a new guild to join.

You cant change your druid into dh or dk. U can racechange but not classchange. If that was what u were asking?

Pretty sure your main can still be found.


Yup, wouldnt be a problem.
Also i dont really know what to make of this thread, it looks like a weird flex but because we ‘dont know’ the main i cant really determine what the real reason is.
Kinda feels like the OP isnt really that honest here and has something to hide…

It is the weekend.

So it all comes down to two points;

  1. You want to raid daily, to finish the whole raid and get bis items within a month and then stop again waiting for the next raid?
  2. Everyone else is holding you back when it comes to m+ and raiding


  1. Short term; find a mythic raiding guild
  2. Long term; perhaps MMORPG is no the right type of game for you.
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Exactly, all the more reason to doubt :stuck_out_tongue:

you say you find “raiding and M+10s” easy.

that’s probably because it is easy.

try mythic raiding and mythic 20s or something. lol

dont invite undergeared players to your group.

toxicity doesnt actually stop you from progressing dungeon however.

yeah your raid leader isnt supposed to teach you how to play your class. anyone who plays the game, plays their class on their own and plays around its individual strength. for example I use AMS offensively and no one has ever told me about it :joy:

how is hunter harder to gear up than “x” class?

Sim it

change guild? :smiley:

like 7 days a week? doubt you’ll find guild like that. and if you do it will probably be some highest top end guild.

fun is subjective, hence different classes

Join mythic guild as social and put effort into gearing up when new patch starts and you’ll down entire heroic raid in a week or two

races dont change classes last time i checked.


Your hunter has mostly Blue and Green logs on HC. That puts you above most of the people you’re playing with, with one notable exception, who must be quite good.

You could doubtless get better if you were playing with people who are more serious about the game, and put more time in.

So if that is what you want, do it!

Find a guild that is working on Mythic. The main thing to keep in mind is that it dosn’t have to be on your current realm. Be prepared to server transfer. Also, be prepared to change faction: it’s just a raw fact that for any competitive play, Horde is more active than Alliance, and you will likely have a better future there. (At least you can keep your appearance :P)

Such a guild will also check your logs, and unless they have openings, you will have to sell yourself to them, because your logs are ok, but not outstanding. So start thinking about that.

Start looking here:

Meanwhile you should also check out Discords and Communities that arrange M+ and HC runs. Get yourself some better logs and upgrades, maybe.

The Fail Train:

Mythic Plus Friends

Scared of Dungeons

I wish you the best with it! Ask more if you need to!


Obvious to me you need to join a guild of likeminded players.

So why aren’t you posting on your main, advertising?

Gráinne is always impeccable. :+1:t2::hugs:


In addition to Grainne’s excellent response you can also list yourself as looking for a guild on sites like wowprogress. You can indicate some basics of what you are looking for and there is a box you can fill in with any additional information you wish to share. You can also indicate if you are willing to move server.


What do you think I’m hiding?

Addendum. I was thinking about this, and your logs.

You are one of the best in your guild, and used to seeing yourself in the top few lines of the meters. But, honestly, you are currently a medium fish in a small pond. Turalyon isn’t a major raiding realm, and Mythic is not Heroic, and you will want to show better than average logs in HC to impress a guild progressing Mythic on, say, Draenor or Tarren Mill. And you don’t have the pressure to improve when you are already one of the stalwarts.

Go to and put in your character name and realm. Now click through to a specific pull of a specific boss and view your own log. (Here’s a tutorial on Warcraftlogs: )

Now copy the URL from your log page and go to and paste in the URL you copied from your log page there. It will tell you the mistakes you made and things you could do better in plain English. Then apply those the next time, and see your numbers improve! :smiley:


Agreed with most points, especially the medium fish small pond, but you’ve also got to remember that logs don’t cut out people who died, don’t care about playing their spec optimally, or deliberately do lower DPS because of mechanics, football comes to mind this tier specifically.

Green / blue is passable for heroic, but to earnestly call it average is, in my view, a little disingenuous.

Also wowanalyzer isn’t up to date for every class and spec, though I think the BM hunter one is well maintained.


Just feel the need to say that Scared of dungeons is not a community meant for pushing m+ keys. Some of our members do, but we aim for finishing runs and dont care about timers. Just need to point that out since we occasionally get members that think we are a push community and leave keys if there’s wipes (which is frowned upon).


Yes, the numbers on some fights, especially for hunters delegated to manage mechanics, will be misleading, but, say, Wrathion?

You have more experience than I, so I’m interested: why would Green/Blue logs not be literally average? The line between Green and Blue is the 50th percentile, so Blue logs are a bit better than the average performance and Green are a bit worse.

The major reason is that deaths are not and should not be valued on a sliding scale in the way they are on WCL. Deaths make up a large percentage of logs in the lower percentiles, when as far as usefulness goes their performance should be realistically ranked at 0, instead because of the sheer number of death logs that exist, it can take up the bottom 10, even 15%.

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That’s his main

AHHHH! Thank you! I really, really should have thought of that. Huge bump at left side of the curve. It would be interesting to see how much that affects the stats … would be different on different encounters ofc …