Hello all!
I’m a GM on the ZT EU realm and I was looking to begin writing up the backstory to my guild.
I already have a vague backstory I was going to follow:
"The Gosh Ogar Clan is a war clan with spiritualistic foundations. We are closely tied with the idea of glory in death, as we fight on the battlefield as our ancestors watch over us. We also take our spiritualistic instincts from the wolf, which we usually ride into battle with. Our initiation ritual shows a new recruit take the wolves’ spirit into themselves.
Our Clan is accepting all races, whom can reach any rank in the guild. The Clan only requires a member to be willing to fight in battle, against the alliance.
The Clan strives to serve death to the Alliance, mainly in large scale battles accompanied with other clans serving the same purpose. When the Clan is not at war the Clan endulges itself in nature, cleaning up the mess it has made in war by restoring war-torn grasslands, helping plant crops and construct burial sites for the Horde.
We are based in Orgrimmar but frequently run expeditions and have camps in the Eastern Kingdoms."
So my questions are:
- Any feedback on what I have written so far?
- What programs should I use to write it up e.g Docs etc?
- Any other tips to think about when i’m writing it up.