Guild Bank items gone

The fact that this thread exists (as well as several threads on the US forums) should tell you that we’re not ignoring the issue.

There is quite literally nothing to report here. We’ve acknowledged this bug several times in this thread and elsewhere. The developers are aware of this bug and are working on it.

If you’re hitting the character limit when submitting a bug, you may need to try and summarize the issue.

If the game severs go down for example, a game master will not be able to bring back the servers on their end. Different teams have different roles, and game masters can’t fix everything.

This is the same thing here: the guild bank of many guilds are bugged, and we will need to wait for the developers to fix this issue. We understand that this is a frustrating issue, especially with the expansion being released this week, however continuing to create tickets to game masters will not help fix this issue any faster (and may indeed be considered spamming).

Please do remember that other players are also waiting for a response to their own issue, and making more tickets when you have already received several responses is preventing others from receiving a reply.

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