Guild Bank items gone

I’m seeing more and more posts about this issue on social media - and some mentions of it in trade chat; it’s not as isolated as I first thought - hoping for a fix soon :crossed_fingers:


The downtime! did not fix the problem my guild is still “empty”- wonder how much longer it will be,

Just logged on after a break of a couple of weeks to find my main personal guild bank completely empty, this can only be accessed by my partner and myself and the log shows no items being withdrawn
Guild is DragonHearts on Magtheridon
My other personal guild banks on this and other realms appear to be fine, I think

Has anyone had this resolved yet?

I was really expecting to log in after reset and be able to see my guild bank items again. This is concerning, with TWW so close its even more frustrating the amount of preparation and time put into the items in my guild bank now it feels like its not a priority when it really should be, a server roll back should have been implemented on 14th the day it happened

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This morning, I again had my ticket “Answered” but this time with a thinly veiled threat: if I continued to bring up this issue in tickets it would be seen as violating the terms of agreement and I would receive an account penalty. So they want to shut this down, shut people up and ban folks who have consistently supported the game for >15 years.

I don’t have the words. The GM even made the point that EU customers have no dedicated bug forum. I was supposed to not keep adding info to tickets, but ‘put in a detailed bug report in-game’. How can we possibly do this when the number of characters is so small??!! When there is no response. When you can’t add to a submission you have already made??!!

Yes, this is only a game but I have literally spent years in it over my toons (checking /played). I am pretty upset at this point. Our guild has no items for the new expansion (or to equip timerunners ported into retail), all our guildies’ contributions in the guild vault have been deleted and Blizzard is trying to make us accept our tickets as resolved or we will be banned.


Yeah it’s frustrating, I get that. But the GM’s that answer tickets simply aren’t able to fix it, so there is no point in creating tickets - all we’re doing by creating tickets at this point is snarling up their already overburdened and understaffed support system.

We know they know about it, and we know they’ve said they’re investigating and trying to fix. All we can do now, really, is either “nothing” and hope they fix it or, as for many other issues over the years, just find a workaround or stop using the banks completely.

Personally, currently I’m doing “nothing” … there’s nothing major in my guild vaults that I’ve going to cry over if it’s gone. It’s a game. They’re pixels. There’s more important stuff in life.

If we get to tomorrow evening, prior to the early access launch, and it’s still not fixed, I’m going to lock our guild vault completely to stop any access in or out (as that seems to possibly trigger issues), and not touch it myself.


The fact that this thread exists (as well as several threads on the US forums) should tell you that we’re not ignoring the issue.

There is quite literally nothing to report here. We’ve acknowledged this bug several times in this thread and elsewhere. The developers are aware of this bug and are working on it.

If you’re hitting the character limit when submitting a bug, you may need to try and summarize the issue.

If the game severs go down for example, a game master will not be able to bring back the servers on their end. Different teams have different roles, and game masters can’t fix everything.

This is the same thing here: the guild bank of many guilds are bugged, and we will need to wait for the developers to fix this issue. We understand that this is a frustrating issue, especially with the expansion being released this week, however continuing to create tickets to game masters will not help fix this issue any faster (and may indeed be considered spamming).

Please do remember that other players are also waiting for a response to their own issue, and making more tickets when you have already received several responses is preventing others from receiving a reply.

You can review our policies here, if necessary:


I have the same issue with my guild bank with more than roughly 80% of all the items gone. Did not get the encouraging respond from Game master ,quoting: “At this time we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided.”
The Lost Souls - Bronzebeard


Character: Pereddeath
Guild: Damage Inc II
Rank: Guild Master
Server: Aszune
Tabs 2-8 empty (were totally full - rares stuff not in game anymore, etc)

Character: Peretemper
Guild: Veikals
Rank: Guild Master
Server: Aszune
Tabs 3-5 empty not sure what was in there)

Hopefully they have backups they can access and see what was in the banks and replace at worst case.
Some of my lost stuff is no longer in game and things like spare Hope Ender, Destiny, epic crafted old world stuff and recipes.

Is it an issue we can help with? Or are you just adding more information to the ticket relating to the guild vault disappearances? Because if that’s the case, I’d imagine at this point they’re past needing additional information from people and, if they need it, they will ask.

I’d suggest that if they’ve gotten to the point of telling you to stop … just do that. We have no real rights here - it’s a game we’ve paid to play, but Blizzard have the right to withdraw that option at any time, from anyone. Unless you’re willing to test how far their patience goes, I’d not risk it :stuck_out_tongue:

As you are a professional in software development, hopefully you’d understand that sometimes you can’t just say “oh, I’ll have that fixed for sure by Tuesday” - especially for software that is this old and has had so many hands in the pie. They probably have a rough idea what might have caused it (for example, the introduction of warband banks), but are struggling to find a way to fix it, whilst also keeping everything else working.

Equally … they may have a fix they’re sure will work, ready to roll out … but don’t want to say “it will definitely be fixed today” … just in case the fix doesn’t actually work … and then imagine the uproar! :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s really frustrating coming back to the game after a few weeks of break to find my whole (personal) guild bank empty, when I only logged back in to sort out the gear of pandaria remix characters
In the meantime, we don’t have access to consumables, including prof materials, obviously this is going to result in having to buy stuff I had already prepared and left in the guild bank, so even if items are returned we are going to be out of pocket
Frankly, right now I wish I hadn’t bought the new expansion, this may not be a major issue for some, who have millions in gold, but for me it’s game breaking
Frustrated, annoyed and want a refund on my expansion pre purchase, which I know I probably won’t get, but I really don’t want to play a game where hard work results in losing everything you have stored


Just to add some more to the list:
Character: December
Guild: Rejecting Fasion Trends
Realm: Chamber of Aspects
1 tab is cleared out and some others have stuff missing. The tab that’s cleared out had a lot of mats put in 5 days ago. According to the log i didn’t take it out and it’s only me in the guild.

I also have the same problem - 4 bank compartments are simply empty
another partial.
According to the log nothing was taken out.

Just found this blue response on US forums:

According to that, they’ve found the issue and stopped it reoccurring, but trying to work out how to resolve the actual missing items problem. Assuming I read it right.


This issue should have been a high priority… maybe it is… but it sure doesn’t feel like it.


If you can’t find a topic already about an issue you have, you should create a new thread.

For sure one of the more serious bugs of all time. I hope it gets fixed soon because it’s really annoying to deal with this just before new expansion releases.

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It’s a new NPC called “Guild bank ghost” it’s very hungry beast that eats everything from guild banks!

There’s been another blue reply on the US forums, referring to this … and it’s fairly encouraging as it suggests these items aren’t being wiped, they’re just not currently visible:


Wouldn’t it be much more reassuring if CS simply posted a screen grab of how they actually see these 99 Sandworn Relics being present on their own screen rather than just expecting everyone to take their word after a week of silence? They said reputation loss was also only a visual error, but I’m still locked out of buying Exalted rewards. Most if not all items on the vendor are red tinted and inaccessible meaning they cannot be bought.

If you want to offer a real hint of hope and end the drama, there are many better ways of doing so. Pick a handful of people from the topic instead and post the contents of their “emptied” banks to prove stuff really isn’t gone.

It warrants asking what is going on and if anyone at all is in charge of crisis communication. If the actual situation is believed to be not as bad as it appears to everyone, couldn’t have someone come up with the same short reply a little more than a week ago before the topics, especially one on US (800 replies) got so blown out of proportion?

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