Guild Bank items gone

NOTHING of ours (8 tabs, rare and accumulated items over 14 years) restored!!! Open a ticket and similar to others got text below and told to post my disappointment on a forum…someone needs to start a class action lawsuit - might sound OTT but when is Blizzard EVER going to be held to account?! They just hope we will continue playing and forget…

There are such things as emotional distress, and paying money for services which are not fit for purpose, not provided fairly, not properly supported, where you can’t complain or escalate a complaint and where you participate in good faith only to have significant losses in terms of what you have paid for - FOR YEARS.

"Greetings, I hope you’re well!

My name is Game Master Lohkuull, and I’d like to apologize for the time it has taken us to get back to you, we have been quite busy with the War Within expansion launch, but we are doing our very best to get back to every player as soon as possible.

I completely understand the frustration on this matter and the fact that you are disappointed. A forum post explaining the investigation into this issue and the outcome has been posted and you can read below: (US region)
Guild Bank Missing Items Update (EU region)

Please make sure that you post your feedback in there. We as support will be unable to provide any kind of restoration on this matter, and creating a ticket about this, will not resolve this issue for you. We will also be unable to escalate a request like this internally and are unable to accept any kind of screenshot or list as evidence of missing items.

I appreciate that this may be a disappointing outcome, regrettably there are limitations in what can be provided back due to the lack of logs.

Thanks for your patience and understanding. Have a great day!"