Guild Bank items gone

It is clear that no matter how many tickets we submit and how much we complain on Blizzard’s own forum, they will continue to ignore us.

There have been a few mentions of it outsite the Blizzard community, but we need to continue to make noise (comment on their sites etc.) if we really want to be heard and have any hope of putting pressure on Blizzard.

So far only GameRant has mentioned the issue, but it’d be nice to see other big sites like PCGamer, IGN, Kotuka, GameSpot etc. pick it up too.

There are also some videoes on YouTube picking it up and explaining really well:

The latter also tried to start a petition but it sadly seems to have drowned in the US forum posts as only a few have signed so far:

I am deeply dissapointed in the big voices in the WoW community and I understand Blizzard has likely asked them to not discuss this subject “or else”. Sadly they have chosen their “golden handcuffs” over the solidarity to their fellow gamers.

But as I said - all we can do, is continue to make noise outside this forum, so go to the sites/vids I linked above, add your comments there, sign the petition, don’t give up.