Guild Bank items gone

that’s brilliant xD

All of my guildbank… still missing.
Not that I’m expecting anything this weekend… but I doubt they’ll put as much attention to it with the launch of TWW. Let’s hope I’m wrong and it doesn’t take weeks.

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Right now, Blizzard clearly doesn’t care about our petty problems. And I don’t think they themselves know how long this will continue.

I didn’t say they would be rolling back to a backup - fairly sure that ship sailed a long time ago. I said they might have a fix ready to roll out. That’s two different things … and even more time has passed since then.

If it is a matter of them being able to see all the data at their end and that the bug simply makes some items “invisible” to us … then they “just” need to work out how to reverse the invisibility thing. They must have a rough idea about this, because they’ve already claimed to have fixed the problem that was causing this issue in the first place.

And I’d like to think that they wouldn’t have to apply this fix on a guild by guild basis, because that would take forever - and think about all the people who don’t come to the forums, or just think “ah well … that’s gone then” … it would be unfair to those if Blizzard only fixed the guilds for people who posted here :wink:


I agree. However, having working in Support and dealing with data corruption issues, sometimes (and, as I said, it REALLY is a worst case scenario), the manual option might be the only one. It does depend on the number of Guilds impacted, and what the issue actually is, and the extent of the data corruption, and… many other factors that we, as customers, don’t know about, and probably never will. We just don’t know, nor, I suspect, do they (yet), otherwise we might have had some sort of ETA for a fix.

I dunno … I’ve seen many issues in the past where something has gone wrong, and there’s been no communication at all (apart from the delayed “it’s broken” response). I’m thinking specifically when they broke guilds being able to transfer realms a couple of years ago, mainly because it happened just as were about to transfer realms and members had already started prep for that - then we got silence. Not even a “yey, we’ve fixed it” - it just so happened that someone noticed it had become an option again in the shop. But I’ve seen a similar response (or lack of) for many other issues over the years too.

But that’s me … the optomist hoping they know how to fix it and are currently prepping to roll it out, without saying anything.

The realist in me is thinking … its guilds. Anything to do with guilds feels like it isn’t a priority (and even when they say it is, lets face it, there can only be so many priorities at once :stuck_out_tongue: ). If we’re REALLY lucky … we might get the stuff back. More likely, they say “stuff it … we’ve fixed the problem, it’s too much work to get everything back to people, they can suck it up”. Because it’s guilds. And guild leaders of active long-term guilds have had to learn to “suck it up” for a long time now.

They might lose one or two people to it … but in the grand scheme of things, it’s nothing to them.

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Any news?

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I doubt they will fix it. It’s been a long time and the silence from them is just… It really makes me not wanna play wow. The arrogance from them is just too much.


How on earth is this still an issue - Blizzard - what are you doing to fix this and will it be fixed by main launch - these banks are extremely important and we had a lot of items in them that we need. It is not a good show when you have not even kept us informed as to what is happening. Please get your fingers out and get this sorted


I’ve got the same issue with my personal guild bank, logged in and half my stuff has gone from my full bank… including 15 Swift Love Birds I grinded the hell for waiting to go to the AH… all gone… certainly hope they can fix it

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Same issue. I’ve been away for a while and reactivated WoW for warbands thinking I could take advantage of account wide reputations (several got reduced to almost nothing) and sort out my Guild Bank selling things that’ll lose value. Because of bugs I couldn’t do either.

The fact that it’s taking so long combined with lack of support from support makes it seem this is not a priority despite being a huge problem for some.

I, for one, won’t be buying anything from Blizzard until this is resolved and acceptable compensation issued.


Just adding myself to the list.

  • personal Guild Bank, accessible only by me (and husband’s deactivated account toons)
  • 7 tabs, each was almost completely full
  • only 3 slots of items remain

Seems this has been going on for around 10 days already.
VERY irresponsible of the Blizz corporation to have little / no official responses.
/taps foot

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Its becoming pretty annoying now not being able to use the guildbank tbh. And this isnt a problem for some players, but a lot.

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I prefer not to touch anything and wait for Blizzard to finally fix the problem.

My personal guildbank is also been affected. 2 first tabs are completely empty, and others are missing some stuff. Everything was from Dragonflight. Not using bank until bug has been fixed. Not gonna loose more stuff.

Also affected by the issue, my personal gbank is still empty after more than a week that I’ve opened the ticket. It’s ok you’re aknowledging this issue Blizz (would be weird if you didn’t), but you also need to take action about it.

Mostly because this is a subscription-based game and this issue hasn’t been solved for a third of your basic fee at the very least. Should we expect some kind of compensation now?

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I have also jst logged back in after a week away and found my guild bank completely empty, the log shows me as the last person to withdraw anything, every tab is empty! Blizz please restore these items and resolve this issue asap!

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I has faith that they’ll fix it. I personally have lost some pretty old stuff - Tier 0.5 OG items for example. I shall put my fins together, and pray to the Manta Ray that things will get sorted.

Wouldn’t surprise me, if a trout infiltrated and done trout things.

There’s a post by someone on one of the US forum threads who states they’ve had a GM reply to them direct with this information:

Thank you for your understanding, I want to share with you this update as of yesterday. Our developers gathered all the information needed about the bug and will start restoring the lost items automatically. Hang in there, we are doing everything we can to keep your gaming experience smooth as possible.

There is more but this is what I received from GM Tejoenrteeg

I have no way of knowing is this is indeed the case - there is no blue post on any threads that I’ve seen, to this effect, and I’ve not seen any information elsewhere suggesting this is the case … but equally I have no reason to doubt it.

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I opened a support ticket about my empty Guild Bank yesterday, and my ticket has been “Status: Resolved” overnight without a resolution: everything is still missing in the bank.

Their resolution = problem is on my side + go ask the community

Below is what I am sent when they Resolved my ticket:
(edit: emphasis is mine)

From: Rainmithwen


We’re sorry you’re experiencing crashing, freezing, or performance issues in game/app. We understand how frustrating this can be, but we’re here to help you resolve these issues. Please follow the steps below, and if the problem persists, consider contacting the game forums or consulting with a local tech expert for further assistance.

NOTE: For console issues please use this link:

NOTE: For none install issues with MW products please contact Activision:

NOTE: Please check the known issues before posting on the forums:

  1. Update Graphics Drivers and Windows: Ensure your graphics drivers and Operating System are up-to-date.

  2. Verify Game Files: For Blizzard’s launcher, select App, click on the Options menu, and choose Scan and Repair.

  3. Disable Background Applications: Close unnecessary background applications, as they might interfere with App. Check for any resource-intensive programs running in the background and close them before launching the game.

  4. Run as Administrator: Right-click the App shortcut or executable and select “Run as Administrator.” This ensures that the game has the necessary permissions to run smoothly.

  5. Adjust In-Game Settings: Lower in-game graphics settings to reduce the strain on your system. Experiment with different settings to find a balance between performance and visual quality.

  6. Check for Overheating: Monitor your system’s temperature while playing. Overheating can cause crashes. Ensure that your CPU and GPU temperatures are within acceptable ranges. Clean any dust from your computer components and ensure proper ventilation.

  7. Reinstall the game/app: Uninstall the game, restart your computer, and then reinstall the game. Corrupted installation files can lead to various issues, and a fresh installation might resolve the problem.

If, after following these steps, you are still experiencing issues, we recommend visiting the game forums on the official Blizzard website. There, you can find a community of players and developers who can provide additional insights or solutions based on their experiences.

If all else fails, consider contacting a local tech expert who can perform a more in-depth analysis of your system to identify and resolve any hardware or software issues.

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