Guild Bank items gone

The suggestion that the items are still there just not currently visible is complete gibberish. I have been Guild Leader since its creation in Feb. 2010 . In the current robbed bank… you can place a new item in a slot you know was occupied. and it now shows the new item… so if the old item is ‘really’ still there… where has it gone.!


Same thing here. Just logged on to sort my guilds bank ready for TWW and found all tabs empty…

No idea :stuck_out_tongue: I’m not Blizzard and I have no knowledge of their systems. I’m just reporting what I’ve seen reported by a Blizzard employee. And I have no reason to think they’re telling porkies :wink:

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Same for me - around 70% of my bank guild’s bank is gone. Worth millions.
And that some days before I wanted to change with my mains and some alts to my friends’ guild.

Yeti Allianz - Norgannon

By the way, it MAY be correct to tell the customer that keeping the ticket open will not help because it is not a CS thing, BUT threatening the customer he gets banned if he does not comply (as OP wrote) is the ALL-TIME-LOW in customer support.

Correct would have been “dear customer, please keep this ticket closed because customer support can not and will not help you on an issue that is wholly done at bugfix team”.

I worked for 20 years at customer support for companies like vodafone. I know how to do this.


Can we get a blue update on this? will it be fixed for early access tonight? Is there any progress on solving it?

At this time we have unfortunately no specific information to share :frowning:
We can only confirm that this is still being worked on with high priority.


I’d suggest (not recommend) using your warband bank, or mailing to your alts and using mail as a storage mechanism (although that is of a debatable level of trust if you cant trust a guild bank as has been demonstrated).


Right now I keep my fingers away from the guild bank. From the day I saw the bug until now I did not throw in or got out something. Poor personal banks of all the alts fill up… And warband bank too.


Urgh, another day… and still no fix.

So I’m heading into TWW without having my banks in order and doing the last tidbits of hand-ins and what not (that I planned more than a week ago.) :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Can confirm that this has happened to my 8-tab guild bank as well. 15 years worth of items gone; hopefully not forever, because there is no compensation in the world that could replace them.

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I got 7-tab guild bank, tab 1 and tab 2 are empty, all things disappeared incl tons of expensive material.(I can put things in and out of now empty slots.)

The same has happened to me. Luckily nothing important or worthy, but still annoying. I have all guild bank slots unlocked and the first 3 are missing almost everything. I prepared food, drinks and useful stuff for my alts to have a good start with TWW and everything is gone. The others are missing only certain stuff, transmogs and fun items, they were worth more sentimentally… Opened a ticket and got the usualy polite AI response to “report it as a bug, kk thanksbai.” It is really annoying.

So is it safe to put stuff back into Guild banks yet? as the first 3 tabs of mine vanished, flask for alt and DF and food and now i,m worried if i put anything into them the same thing will happen again, Shadowsong server

Good question. I’ve basically just let it be - I’m not doing anything with it, but it is an active guild vault for an active guild - more so now, I’d imagine - so ideally don’t want even more stuff going missing.

They did say they’d identified and fixed the error that caused it, previously - but then I’ve also seen additional reports about it since then - but I can’t be sure those reports are because they’ve only just noticed, or because more has indeed gone missing since the claimed fix.

The effort it would take to change all ranks access to the vault and gold repairs, wait for confirmation that everything had been reverted, and then change them all back again, is just too much for me, currently, compared to the stuff that is left in the vault.

The same has happened to my 7 tab guild bank, everything is gone… :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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Do we assume nothing is likely to be fixed over the weekend?

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Do we have to purchase the guild bank somewhere in the shop?

So, no news yet I presume? I try not to put anything there anymore, until we know more.

you need call this bug

oceans 11


Even if they’ve identified the cause, and stopped it happening to other guild banks, there is a separate issue of resolving the “missing items” for every guild bank that has been impacted. It’s not as simple as “rolling back to a back-up” as people have subsequently moved, added or removed items. It may be (absolute worst-case scenario) they have to manually inspect each impacted bank and manually restore each one.

For now, your best bet, frustrating as it is, is to be patient and wait for it to be fixed. Add to this thread your guild’s name, realm, and region. Add information about what was lost (if known).