Guild Bank items gone

Thank goodness, just had a minor panic when i opened my warbank just now after spending all the prepatch currency last night :stuck_out_tongue:

@ Felranys

Explain then to me why yesterday the 3 last tabs of my guildbank turned out to be empty. Missing all pets I earned in different events by flying around for hours and hours. How can it be safe to put stuff in the guildbank again.

How is the content of our guildbank returned to us. Dumped in ingame mail or will it be visible all of a sudden. How will the game react when stuff suddenly is visable again in our guildbanks and players have stored new items on places where old items will be restored.

I know a lot of questions but loosing 3 tabs of event pets makes me not only angry but it costs also me a lot of gold because I can not auction them now.

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And how exactly will that fix play out with the eventual item recovery (which I hope devs are still working on)? Because, if I fill my guild vaults again and the items come back, I suppose overlapping slots will cause some conflict.

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I’ll try to answer some of the latest concerns, with the information we have access to right now. I may not have an answer for ALL, but will try my best :slight_smile:

Perfectly understandable!
We’ll do our best to make sure banks will be as safe and as reliable as possible, but definitely won’t force you or anybody else to use those systems again until you feel comfortable in doing so :slight_smile:

That is correct.

At this point in time we don’t have details on what is going to happen on this topic, sorry :frowning:

That is definitely a concern, and is being considered :slight_smile:


So not only did I lose my entire guild bank, now you deleted my entire Warband bank full of 480 gear from the event. I’m not sure I want to keep playing this game any more when all items can suddenly vanish like this.


Safe how?
I still cant see my missing items, so does that mean that if i load something else into those empty tabs, that the new overwrites the old item and they are permanently gone?
or safe as in - nothing will dissappear from now on?
Safe to use is a scary concept right now :slight_smile:


I’m hoping that Blizzard is considering this. Since they do know (as far as I have understood) via logs what items has been affected, I would assume that instead of adding them back into the guildbank with the risk of overwriting new items that has been deposited, would use other means like ingame mail to return the “lost” items.

At least then the overwrite problem should not be an issue.

Just noticed this on our guild bank as well. Tabs 1, 5 and 6 are completely empty. Can’t remember exactly what was in them but 5 & 6 were for recipes and pets, they’re all gone. There are only two members still active me and my husband, log shows no withdrawals. :no_mouth:

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Same issue with our guild bank too, everything from tabs 4-5-6-7 completely gone. Absolutely nothing showing in the logs of any withdrawals or anything. I opened a ticket and got a crib sheet reply of “reload your UI” even though I clearly stated that everyone in the guild was seeing the same thing.


As of 23:00 27/08/2024 UTC, a lot of items in my warbank just disappeared too.

Not good, Blizzard, not good at all.

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Edit: The war* bank items are going to be fixed soon’ish at next scheduled maintenance.

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I had dragonflight consumables that could be sold easily in dragonflight. It could worth millions of gold, now we are in new expansion with new expansion consumables. Even if guild bank items returned, all those consumables will be useless. Will be any compensations?


They aren’t going to compensate you for not selling something during Dragonflight.

You should have sold them while Dragonflight was current.


If I could use my guild bank, I could sell them. Bug started 14th of August and I would have 1 week to get rid of them. But you are right, it was my mistake putting items in guild bank, right?


I can confirm, I got all the missing items back after the maintenance window.

I can now go to bed and relax.

Our guildbank tabs 3,4,5,6 are completely gone, hope this will be fixed soon. Just 2 members, last deposits are 23 days ago.

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My items are not back after maintenance :frowning: I havent touched the vault other than depositing 1 item since the bank got wiped.

My guild:
Boebank - Ravencrest EU

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Missing warband bank items are back, but for guild bank still no fix.


Same. Event items are all back, but gb is still empty. As Felranys said it was completely different issue.

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Small clarification, the linked post is about the recent issues with the Warbank (some items becoming invisible, others becoming soulbound) and NOT with the Guild Bank.

Work on restoration for missing Guild Bank items is still ongoing.