Guild Bank items gone

Updates are much appreciated. :white_heart:
Thank you Felranys and team.

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update on warband-bank 480 preevent epics: I got them back, as of 07/28.
Yet it was „only“ about 12ish items. My guildbanks are still wiped. It is annoying to not be able to use it as a droptab at a new expansions release.

semi ot:
since 11.0 there is an other imho major issue.
The garrison hearthstone is not working inside the garrison itself, f.e. in the mine.
The Amperial construct (building feature) stopped working.
You can get disconnected, trying to use both, construct and hs.
Dragonriding unloads buildings, walls and even terrain, They disappear and take some time to reload. If you are flying close to the ground at the wrong place, you will fall through the ground and get stuck in a disconnectchain.

All of this is about character repositioning, teleportation and zonechange inside the garrison. It looks like you can fix all of these three together with one line of code.

Older WoD bugs, nerfs and disfunctionalty:
The mining pick and herbalist gloves special effect does not work.
Aviana’s Feather does not. The garrison monuments dont.
Rare cloak from salvage crates is not disenchantable. The ressources-vendors got a silent 100% price increase. The disenchant-well in Warspear does not work; alliance has none at all. The Garrison Report Tab (Minimap Button) is broken. You can only see it using a macro-command or addon. Also it does not show the ressources anymore. Horde garrison mission table is not able to give mission=173 for elixir of giant growth.

I reported this ingame via bugreport. Maybe you can confirm and do report it aswell.
Looking forward to WoD-Classic, i hope they can fix all of this in time. Or using a legacy version like 6.2(?), it will feel like a whole different game. I wonder if blizz will ever fix garrison in retail, considering new and much bigger bugs like guildbank or warbank bugs happening and how long it takes to fix.

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Can we please get at least an approximate ETA? Is there a chance that it might be fixed before the heroic raid opening? Or with the opening of m+ season?

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You all should stop asking WHEN and instead tell them to expect no renewal of subscription UNTIL they fix it. Suddenly this becomes high priority.

If you can afford early access for twice the price of a base game, you don’t need a 12 month recurring sub to save a few shekels over a year. Just cancel and buy game time when they deliver a working product. If you want to send a message, this is how you do it.

The company is in all hands on deck full panic mode over this as expected, but there’s many other bugs and problems with the game all of which fall into the actual gameplay category and they’re all supposedly on hold over “visual display issue”.

Almost nothing else is being fixed so this is probably worse than we’ve been told. What worries me is that EU CS had taken the initiative in attempting to communicate, the same team who isn’t usually allowed to say anything or even tie their own shoes without oversight from the US staff. Meanwhile, there’s not a single word in the matching topic over on US, the one with five times the number of replies. What are you hiding from us?


First of all: Thank you for the updates! There has been a distinct lack of coverage for this issue at a general level, and having you here talking to us is reassuring. The poor guys at the main US thread ran out of nails to bite long ago.

I understand if you can’t give out sensible details, but… what happened exactly? I’m guessing it had something to do with the update allowing crossrealm guild members to access guild vaults as a whole. Even though some of my affected guilds don’t have crossrealm toons, the timing is too suspicious.

Anyway, what stage are the devs on? The “we are trying to understand why this happened” one, the “we know why this happened and we’re looking at how to fix it” one, or the “we know how to fix it but we need to check it won’t break something else” one? I won’t ask for an ETA since it’s a useless question unless they’re on that last stage.

Thanks again for your replies!


Could we maybe get a 100% definitive “you can use all of your guildbank again, there won’t be an issue with the returning items”?
Or is that a pipe-dream? Both the definitive reply and the fix for it?
It’s a new expansion. We’d like to be able to use the guild bank in our guild.


Can we please get our items already?
This situation is reflecting poorly on Blizzard, especially that this is taking so long for a serious issue.

I’m enjoying the game since DF and now TWW again… but the company itself: not at all.


Hmm. 15 days and counting, thanks for the updates Felranys , better than Blizz have given for some years now here in the EU.
Can anyone direct me to the relevant site for this problem on US realms. I need something relative to compare ?


This is the main US thread … for once, it’s them steaming that WE are getting blue posts - because as far as I can tell, they’ve had nothing for this issue:

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Thx Poisonenvy for very fast reply.
I started playing WoW in early 2005. Ive been Guild Leader since starting Renascence on Vek’nilash, EU back in Feb. 2010, and we are proud to say we have been very active ever since. In all my years in wow, I have never come across such a complete shambles of not only the pre-release patch, but then the expansion release itself. With the notable exception of Felranys there has been a complete lack of consideration by Bllizzard for their CUSTOMERS… I am a long retired IT network manager (one of the biggest in western Europe) . Fails happen in networks, but the BASIC tenet has and always should be, ‘Keep the customer informed’ Blizz years ago understood this and followed it… Now the only thing that matters on the Blizz company bottom line is … dont let the bonus payments stop from the shareholders!


Hello all, once again :slight_smile:

While I don’t have any update regarding a timing or details on what is going to happen, I would like to confirm that this issue is not forgotten and is still considered high priority.

We hope to have some details to share soon, but for now I can only keep thanking you for all the patience you have been showing us so far. :pray:


I guess a compensation for this issue is the least that can be done?


How to compensate, for patterns that are no longer available, items that are now unoptainable?

Not everyone did use the guild bank to store junk, some of us actually had real treasures there and you can not replace those. Sure, they can replace our lost gold, but I doubt they can go back to Vanilla and give us what´s no longer in the game.

I personally, have completely stopped playing WOW, it´s so silly that they fix everything that gives players a slight advantage within minutes, but in this case nothing is happening.

The US Forum is radio silence, which tells me nothing is being done and our EU blues are just trying to be kind, but a return of our items seems unlikely at this point.

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-50% off on subscription, to match only 50% of the game working as intended? :slight_smile:


Let’s hope they don’t have to call in Microsoft Support staff to help out. It would make things worse. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

(Yeh, sorry us in IT were always joking or lamenting about MS support. That’s been going on for 2 decades and still no improvement. :dracthyr_shrug:)


We have no choice do we?
I’m not patient, I’m still fuming
If I hadn’t prepaid for the new expansion, I would have stopped playing, as I have little faith in even basic game functions working correctly and this week we had the debacle on the AH as well
This should be top priority, take everyone off everything else until it’s fixed and the more time goes by the less chance we have of getting our stuff back, so it’s time to face the fact that we are due compensation


So I’ve seen one or two reports, in the last couple of days, of people saying that items are still going missing from their guild vaults. Since Blizzard said they had fixed that problem.

Is anyone finding this, or do you think this is still just people who have only just noticed missing items from their vaults?

Can’t help you with that… since mine has been gone for weeks. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


Pretty sure this was meant to be directed at Warbanks, as those seem to now be fixed (or at least for this salmons’ account)


no it wasn’t, it was meant in relation to guild vaults.

For example this from the US forums:

*Edit … and sorry, if you meant the “fix” was related to warbanks … yes there was a fix for that, but there has also been a blue post here stating that they had found the problem that had caused the missing items with guild vaults too, and had fixed it.

Here we go:

Guild banks are “fixed”.
To the best of our knowledge, the problem that caused items from guild banks to disappear was found and sorted a few days ago; it should be safe now to use guild banks again.

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