Guild Bank Missing Items Update

This is just my point of view. But think for yourself. If there are backups, what prevents you from getting the data from the day before the bug for the guilds that suffered and restoring the data? The algorithm and queries for such a process are very simple. You don’t even need to be an experienced programmer for such a process. Only one answer is logical - there are simply no backups. A database for such a number of players takes up a lot of time. And you definitely can’t download such a database offline every day. And deleting from different places at the same time, if you are a system administrator, is not a problem at all. Even if there are many databases, deletion happens very quickly. And we do not exclude the possibility that several people could have participated in deleting and introducing the bug into the code. The dismissal was massive, and people from different departments could have become friends over so many years…


Hi, just want to say that i still didnt get any restored item in my mail box from my personal guild bank. I have posted in different forum thread before and GM pointed this thread for report of missing items. Thank you.

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The alternative is that there are backups … but Blizzard can’t/won’t spend the time sorting through them.

It’s quicker, cheaper and less hassle for them to say “nope, not doing it”. They’re by now fairly adept at ignoring customers protests … sometimes for years. They don’t care.

The consequence of this is that more people are coming to understand that Blizzard of today is NOT the Blizzard of the past. As long as they’re getting a reasonable profit from WoW, they don’t care.

As far as we’re concerned … we can either choose to stay or go. If we stay, then we need to accept that nothing is sacred, that nothing in game is safe and, almost worse than that, Blizzard are no longer the type of company who will try and fix any losses. Essentially … we’re on our own, and spend our time playing “at our own risk”.

They refuse to even give an individual the TLPD that they killed but then were unable to loot, because they can’t be bothered going into the records and confirming that person killed that rare and qualified for the mount. They’re not going to spend the time refunding thousands of items missing from guilds vaults from thousands of players.

Bugs are an expected part of this type of game. The number and severity of bugs this time around are exceptional. The reaction/inaction by Blizzard is an indication of something pretty serious going on in the background which is rather worrying.


Lord Almighty, when you are already in despair, you begin to assume anything, even a conspiracy!


but we are so many, do you think there is no chance for us? I cant believe, that there is nothing to do.


The curse of hope :stuck_out_tongue: There is always a chance, however slim. I think it’s probably pretty unlikely, now, that Blizzard will return all missing items. I don’t think they could back-pedal that one after this length of time and, even if they had a full database of all the missing items, I think some wouldn’t be able to be reproduced as they were.

But … there’s always hope.

Alternatively, they could average out an estimate of the value of items lost and provide relative compensation - even if that compensation wouldn’t actually be able to compensate some for their losses.

I think that, if they wanted, there would be plenty they could do. Currently, they choose not to.


The only thing we can do is keep commenting. I even mention it in their Facebook posts. Not that the people managing their FB pages can do something about this, but more people will be made aware of what happened. Hopefully it creates noise.


I predict they will simply continue to ignore us.


Facebook? How early 2000’s.
Come and whine on Twitter, that’s where all of them are active. The leaders, creatives, devs,…

And interact with my post and others bringing this up (like, reply, re-post) that is in the other thread. Without the numbers they have an easier time to ignore those.


My items from GUILD BANK still haven’t been returned and there was no letter. Game support can’t do anything (according to them) and sends me to the forum. I have only one question. WHEN will all my items be returned?

Did I understand correctly that now Blizzard’s position regarding the quality of their games sounds something like this: “You can lose everything in the game at any time and no one will return anything to you and we will not do this?”


I had a 12-month renewable subscription. I’m stopping it. Because all they understand is the sound of money!


I have already voiced my opinion (or rather, my premonition) several times. They will not return anything, they will not solve the problem, we can only be indignant, but they do not care.

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I don’t feel like playing any more.
Why do we have to collect transmo, toys, mascots or mounts? Blizzard/Microsoft wouldn’t do a thing if our Collections were to get lost because of them!


I’m the same, haven’t played for days. Just can’t get into it if the new world is: they lose your stuff and do nothing about it.

Great way to waste my subscription I guess…
(yes, it is cancelled but doesn’t run out soon)


Update: Still no items in the mail.
Items restored: 0%
Guild bank log: still visible


This update seems severely lacking in light of the magnitude of this data loss.

I would expect at minimum full transparency on a concrete plan and updates on steps taken to implement said plan to prevent things of this nature ever occurring again the future.

What’s preventing any other data loss if this was able to occur? Clearly current procedures are lacking. As customers paying for a live game with persistent progress, we demand better assurances that our time spent on the game can’t be reduced to nothing by the next botched update.


-introduce a new bank tab that costs millions of (buyable) gold to fully ugrade
-accidentally break it’s competitor, the guild bank that players have been using for 20 years to store personal items
-‘oops we lost pretty much everything sorry guys’ :3
-scare playerbase into using the buyable bank tab expansion™


For example, I switched to the classics with the release of Cata. Before that, I combined the two options, retail somehow got along with the classic versions. After the events with the mass disappearances of players’ things (namely mass, and not all this “some players lost some things”), I thought about moving everything from my surviving GBs to personal ones. Then I spat saliva. Well, I’ll put them in personal banks for all 60 characters and?? Is there a guarantee that they won’t be covered by the same tsunami? I don’t see such guarantees. Okay, let it be as it will be. The barn burned down, so let the hut burn, as it turns out.

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The restoration provided was an utter joke.
I was using my Guild-Bank as a type of Warbank since WoD for all my alts to have a conveniance location to share different consumeables, crafting materials, battle pets and all sorts of stuff. Pretty much 4 full guildbank pages full of different items.

As an example:
I was also storing the Epic Items required to summon the Rare-Mobs on the Forbidden Reach for all of my crafters. I had over 300+ of these. When the bug appeared, i wasnt able to store items in my guildbank and the next time i checked everything was gone except the 2 Items i tried to store the day it didnt work.

Then after months of silence from the support, all i got back was 17x Traditional Morqut Kite. Thats it. One single Item got restored and nothing else.

I opened a ticket saying that the restoration of one single item is unacceptable for losing 4 Bank-Pages full of items

The automated messages that i recieved contained outdated links to support pages that didnt even work or corrupt forum URLs that lead to nowhere.

Not only did i recieve a single item, but they also didnt even take 1 minute of their time to doublecheck the provided links in the automated messages that do nothing to help you in your situation.

This just shows me once more, thats its pretty much useless to open a ticket, because they wont even try to help you or just respond to you, that they have no way to help you out and just want you to open a bug report.

Why should i even open the bug report? If u cant help me, atleast create the Bug-Report yourself. I already reported the bug to customer support. I often attach images, give alot of information to my tickets to then recieve a useless automated message.

Why would i even bother to make tickets in the future? Its just a waste of time at this point.


And before anyone else starts explaining how complicated and expensive it will be for Blizzard to actually fix this instead of insult us… I DON’T care.
I pay for a working game and they f’d up. They fix it and compensate me for the things they can’t restore due to being to lazy to do the work. That’s all.
10% of Ion’s monthly salary for every month i’ve been subbed would be a start…