Time lost proto drake fell behind a barrier wall

so i kill the time lost proto drake FINALLY after so many hours, and its body falls into the hole in the middle of storm peaks BEHIND A BARRIER WALL INSIDE , like come on , what are the chances of that , i made bug reports on it, i made customer support tickets and the customer support wont help as its a ‘bug’ and tell me to go the bug report line…but the bug reports get no response and its been like 4 days, nothing sent to my mail… what am i to do, this i so unfair, its really made me not want to do anything on the game now i just want my mount i deserve :frowning: anyone else have a similar experience or can share some information on how i can get my loot

Did they close the ticket or was there an option to reply/reopen (this is the proper ticket, not the bug reports as you don’t get replies to those). Sometimes they give a generic response at first as to what you can do to solve something as a lot of people don’t bother to try anything suggested in the CS articles and go straight to make a ticket. But this isn’t something you can solve yourself.
I’ve no idea if they can give it to you but, if there’s a record of your killing it there may be a chance

i had back and forth replies with them for 4 days and they just stick to ‘as this is due to a bug we can not do anything about it please make a bug report for that department to deal with’ but yea, no responses from that at all so i am left clueless, don’t know if i can even get it via that route either.
even though, when im making a ticket it has ‘try these before making a ticket’ and 1 link is a post about it on their own battle.net forum, https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/46639#:~:text=If%20the%20mount%20falls%20in,the%20mount%20to%20other%20players.
it states there are no bugs with how the mount is distributed, and under ‘common problems’ the body can fall somewhere unreachable , it suggests loot a rang , or a hunter skill which i did not have access to , or aoe looting as it was 30 foot down a hole with no adds.
so if it is a bug and it was known about 3 months ago at least, why do i lose my prize and have to deal with ‘fill in a bug report’ and left in stress over whether or not ill actually get my mount that honestly i’ve been searching for every time i come back to the game since it was released. i even put 20 hours in over 2 nights since it happened

So I’ve seen issues with this before, and what USED to happen was that they could check your account, see you had tagged the rare/boss, and it died, and what loot you were due, and then pass it onto you.

In most occasions these days, what is supposed to happen is that, if you miss out on some loot for any reason (ie, you couldn’t/didn’t loot the body), that loot would then be mailed to you - but it doesn’t always seem to work.

I have no idea why they’d just decided now that this type of thing is a you problem rather than a them problem. Other than they’ve gotten rid of a whole load of their support staff so either the new outsourced staff no longer have access to the systems that let them do that, or they just don’t know about it.

IMHO this isn’t a bug, per se … because it’s always been a fairly regular occurrance that sometimes things will have loot on them, but be unreachable to loot.

Personally I would re-open (if it has been closed) your ticket and ask it to be escalated as you are missing loot that you should have received, which they should be able to see, verify and send you.


This isn’t hard to verify and they have done it countless times. The problem is that the support staff isn’t very familiar with this specific relatively common basic design issue involving 15 year old content. It’s a real shame they didn’t help you right away.


Hey Whatababe,

I’m sorry to hear about this – while the chances are pretty slim in any given case, it happens often enough that we have a support article covering this here:

Understandably the tips there won’t help in every situation, but sadly if you’re still unable to reach the loot, your only option would be to have another go at it.

Sorry I couldn’t bring better news.


it happens often enough that yous have a support article [which i have already linked above btw] if it happens often enough and the only solution is to be an engineer to bring a loot a rang or try again? why not just make it so the time lost proto drake loot goes to the mailbox instead of saying, sorry you can now spent 60 straight hours not sleeping and sitting in storm peaks looking for a extremely rare mob again…
kind of ridiculous if you ask me, this should 100% be compensated with the loot as its not my fault the environment has so many issues with this mob.
if anyone agrees with me, that what this blizzard reply is saying is completely absurd, ‘try again’ on the TLPD, leave a comment, i know 100% they have gave it to people in my exact situation in the past. would literally take an employee 5 mins to sort me out and give me my robbed loot


Extremely unhelpful,

could have simply told the guy that due to change in policy he won’t receive the mount and that all similar requests will be instantly denied

or that you’ll personally look into it for him

I won’t dissuade from continuing seeking for help and it simply sucks that you need to utilize twitter or other social media before you find someone who will unselectively offer little more than a complete basic level support.

If you look at Reddit alone there is a dozen of these threads and each one of them had a positive outcome after a lot of waiting and many submitted tickets.


thankyou i am glad others can see this is totally outrageous , i will keep making tickets and ask for it to be escalated as poisonenvy suggested.
i have also saw those reddit posts and that is why the support replies i am receiving are so frustrating, they say they cannot help but clearly it has happened many times before.
If by chance i manage to get somewhere with my situation i will update this topic.

edit as i could not post another reply in a row . . …
ok i have to make a post about this, so i opened a new ticket and i copied the information from the support article linked above in my ticket to show them its a common issue, the GM who replies to me is like ‘hello id be happy to look into this for you’ so im thinking ok maybe we actually got a decent GM here.
He then proceeds to copy paste the support article back at me, literally copy pasted my own ticket back at me, no alterations , no conclusion , he didn’t even read my ticket and got caught out for being lazy like wtf is this support


I honestly find the whole thing stupid. So many instances in the past where support has looked at the loot table and credited the account accordingly yet now the solution is ‘Sorry try again’. If Blizzard were actually sorry this bug would have been fixed ages ago but they would rather ninja proto drakes and respond with generic answers.


It is more likely, albeit cynical, that they determined the negative customer experience impact is too insignificant for them to even develop a customer support procedure in this mostly self service support world that WoW is now.


Tyrskorn, i just saw that you reply to a post about world soul bugged, this was a bug too and nothings getting done about it, been 3 weeks now and still nothing, no compensation? this literally takes hundreds of hours sitting around storm peaks if your unlucky on spawn and literally nothing getting done about it

I think if they’re not going to compensate all the people who lost virtually all the stuff from their guild vaults, including various mounts, pets, transmogs, patterns etc that were worth a fortune, they’re not going to sort this out. They just don’t have the staff and, even if they did, they don’t have the willingness.

Back in “the day” they would bend over backwards to have excellent customer service … now you’re lucky to speak to anyone other an AI most of the time.

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