Guild Bank Missing Items Update

This sentence makes me a little anxious. How are you going to decide which guilds will have their items restored fully and which partially?


So far I’ve heard of only partial (more like absolute minimum) restoration.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the first full restoration was one of their raid darlings or a streamer.
If they exploit something they get out of jail in 4 days so the preferential treatment isn’t too far fetched.


I don´t want to spoil the party, but I lost 6 full tabs, with crafting materials dating back to Vanilla, Transmog items worth millions of gold, profession recipes, lockboxes…

You know what I got back, 98 cloth from TBC, that you can farm in a few seconds by running a dungeon.

Either they are just starting out with restoration or they lied into our face big time.


what about the auction house items that ARE STILL MISSING?


That’s it.

20 years of collecting items in two guild banks. Blizzard now send me 15 Pygmy Oil. Yeah, I’m so happy about this thanks a lot!


4 Tabs full of stuff, not a single thing restored.

Toys, Mounts, Pets and Void Satchels that i handed out to new players, all gone.

Thanks Blizzard.


Nice to see some peaple get something back, had 3 guilds stripped completley- and nothing returned yet- and i susepect i wont see anything back

What testing team? They have been gutted by microsoft and it is only going to get worse hereon-out.

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They were already gutted by Activision… Bobbi the Goblin was in charge when they got rid of QA workers.


This is unacceptable. I had six tabs full of crafting materials and valuable items collected over years from every expansion, and all that was restored were 34 Crusader Orbs.

Losing the items is bad enough, but the way Blizzard has handled this is even worse. First, the issue itself shows incompetence, and now, the refusal to keep looking for a solution is frustrating. You may not have been able to fix it in a month, but you also decided to stop trying. The guild bank log shows items deposited that were not restored, which is proof that there is existing data beyond what was mailed to me although you claimed it was lost.

Then there’s the complete failure in communication. Sure, there were occasional “We’re working on it” updates in the EU forums, which is much appreciated during our long wait. But no official statements and not allowing open discussion or letting community sites and streamers address it? Communication 101: Ignoring a problem won’t make it disappear — it just makes your customers more upset and deepens the damage once it’s finally addressed.

When we did get an official update, it was flat and impersonal, with no empathy for those affected. No reassurance this won’t happen again, no mention of possible compensation. Just a bland “apology,” like you bumped into someone in a grocery store. You “thank us for our patience,” as if we had a choice. Standard corporate BS.

It’s particularly frustrating because your most loyal players are the ones most impacted. I can’t believe this is how you chose to handle the situation.

It’s easy to dismiss it as “just a game,” and sure, I’ve had bigger losses in my life. But WoW is not just a game to me. I’ve been loyal since the beta. I met my husband in 2005 through WoW. We’ve lived in different countries because of WoW-related job opportunities. I have tattoos from the game.
WoW has been a safe haven for me during tough times. After long, difficult days, logging into WoW gave me a way to recharge and find joy. Knowing my guild bank was full of items I could convert to gold for tokens made me feel secure, knowing that I could continue to play if RL finances got really bad.

The memories attached to those items are what made Azeroth my rock during some of the hardest periods of my life. Now they’re gone and all I’m left with are some stupid orbs, “bank anxiety,” and a major trust issues. That is the real loss here.

Maybe it’s foolish to let a game mean so much, but everyone needs an escape from reality now and then. Some people do drugs for that. I chose WoW.

Am I a complete idiot for letting a game impact my wellbeing this much? Absolutely, yes. But what I am not, is someone who takes advantage of idiots and treats them with ignorance, arrogance, and disrespect. You are, Blizzard.

P.S. Sorry for the long post and thanks for all the fish. Or wait, they are gone too.


I was waiting for a fix since day 1. I had all tabs full of materials, mounts, transmogs and other stuff worth 15+ million gold. I received 8 mails with a few items worth maybe 300k.
I’m playing WoW since several years. If this is it I’ll cancel my subscribtion.
I’m verry disappointed


I was ‘lucky’ in that I only lost one tab of my personal guild bank. I received back 2 x Tyrhold Drapes, 1 x Tyrhold Broadsword and one grey item which I’m sure wasn’t in there at all. My history in wow was stored in that bank and I have no idea what else was stored in that tab.


I think what we’ve got to remember here is that this all ONLY affected guilds. Blizzard has shown consistently over many years now that they do not care about guilds at all. I get the feeling that Blizzard don’t really understand how we use them, and why.

I don’t know what happened … because years and years ago, they did seem to care. Perhaps the people who were guild enthusiasts left Blizzard, or they just decided to focus on making the game more solo-friendly.

But now … nothing. There have been so many bugs related to guilds, things that they “fixed” or introduced that made things worse, things that really are not “fit for purpose” that, despite reports, requests and the occasional long-term begging, have been ignored.

This whole farce just confirms this in a massive “in your face” manner.

I predict that now they’ve dropped this bombshell - that will be it. There will be no additional meaningful communication from them. There will be no compensation or additional attempts at returning the actual items that went missing (as opposed to some random rubbish they had in the back of the cupboard). Their responses, if they make any, will be along the lines of “sorry, that’s all we can (will) do”.

Any threads about it will be ignored, like several about other guild issues that have been going on for years with no input or acknowledgement.

Anyone using guilds currently and in the future are doing so despite Blizzard, not because of them.

Prove me wrong, Blizzard, I dare you.


Well thats good for you :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
I on the other hand lost countless dope items such as 120 pound fish from various regions throughout the years since vanilla, and I cannot store more items in my own bank and haven’t been able to for a few years.
I cant believe that an MVP would smear us in the face with your “luck” :imp:

Go away…

Yes same here solo guild with various alts . Got 8 bank tabs 6 of them are wiped out 16 years of labour down the drain. No mails form blizz , nothing. Combine that with other bugs ( like amd video card). I really consider to leave. GW seems nice or FF


This whole situation is beyond ridiculous. I’ve lost three tabs of crafting materials, and after SIX WEEKS of complete silence, Blizzard finally decides to acknowledge the issue. How is it possible that a company this big can’t implement simple backups for something as crucial as guild banks? The sheer negligence and incompetence are staggering. Blizzard’s failure here goes beyond just technical shortcomings—it’s an insult to the entire player base. Fix your game, or at least pretend to care about the people who pay for it!


Now now, I know you are angry… but don’t attack Ananda.
She acknowledges the issue and yeah, I’d also feel lucky if it were just that.

Its important that we hear from everyone affected. Don’t let your anger stand in that way.
And trust me I’m as furious as you about the thing but we also need to walk the fragile line of not getting banned. After all this is Blizzard’s playground.


Starting to believe that the majority of people that were affected lost the majority of their stuff.

I started to doubt myself and wonder if i stored these items on other characters. But then i checked the guild bank log , deposited 2 Ornited Weapons and only one was withdrew after that point in the log.

The recovery mail is slow in roll out OR it is proof that blizzard is not going over the guild bank available logs to compensate anything.

I mean it is a log file , everything deposited that was not withdrew after that point in the log should be send to players.

For people who have received something back, do you all have guild bank logs that proof you had more in it? So something that was deposited but not withdraw after that point in the log.

Anyway for me , the 5 affected guild bank tabs wiped out 100%?


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I’m sorry you misunderstood my post. I put inverted commas around the word ‘lucky’ as it wasn’t lucky at all and had no intention of ‘smearing you in the face’ as you put it.
I have no idea what I lost as there were items dating back since Vanilla and yet the 3 things I got back were from DF.
I’m incredibly sympathetic to anyone who’s lost items from their guild banks especially items that are no longer in the game.