Guild Bank Missing Items Update

From what I’ve read. Blizzard is closing posts on the subject. It is said that we will have a partial return if there is a return. On 5 tabs, 4 empty, I had, flowers, minerals, fabrics, etc, food from all the extensions. I used them regularly. I need them now. It took me a long time to fill it. Isn’t my work as important as the big guilds or streamers who have apparently got their goods back! But a lot of small players who leave make a dead game despite the big guilds and streamers who stay.


According to Google translate (apologies if it got it wrong):

Based on what I’ve read. Blizzard closes posts on the subject. It is said that we will have a partial return if there is a return. On 5 tabs, 4 empty, I had, flowers, ores, fabrics, etc., food from all the extensions. I used it regularly. I need it right now. It took me a while to fill it out. Isn’t my job as important as the big guilds or streamers who apparently got their goods back! But many small ones who leave make a dead game despite big guilds and streamers who stay.

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While I can understand your post, its best to only post in English on the general forums.
Otherwise the post might get deleted.

And we wouldn’t want that, as every voice matters on this issue.

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Has i said on other post i’ve sent a ticked explaining again and asking with all the respect… lets see what answer i get

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I haven’t had anything returned yet. I don’t know if that means I will hear something in the future or they haven’t been able to find any of my stuff. Is anyone else in this situation?


Same. Not a thing.


As Blizzard (or one of it’s representatives) has written in the various threads that Guild Banks are safe to use and that the bug is now fixed. That now constitutes a contractual obligation they have now committed to.

As such I will be using my guild bank again now - with legal recourse if they lose anything further.

Legal types are looking at previous web content, patch notes etc for Guild Banks where phrasing includes wording such as “can safely store/deposit” etc.


This situation reminds me of memes of my favorite NPCs. Bug reports - Blizzard “It’s done!” The reports continue to come in even larger volumes. Blizzard - Work again!

What I meant by this, is that if Blizzard can be so careless with our items and progress, why should we stay invested in what we do in the game? How can we gain any satisfaction from playing, knowing that our progress or items could disappear at any moment without any sort of consequences or compensation?

For me, I’m now at the point of reconsidering still putting any time and money into this game, or any of Microsoft/Activision/Blizzard’s products. I’ve been a loyal player for over 15 years, dealt with more than a few shenanigans, but as usual, the only votes that matter are those done with a wallet.


For the last few weeks, we’ve been packing up the missing items that we’re able to identify as lost by this process, and we will soon mail those to the guild leader character for each affected guild.

When is soon? We had our entire guild bank of seven tabs that were almost all full completely wiped clean and have received nothing back.

Our guild was founded in the beginning of 2006 and have had a guild bank since they were introduced - as you can imagine our storage contained plenty of old stuff (and plenty of new stuff as well). We had one tab almost full of hard to get pets :worried:

It is unacceptable that you are this careless with our stuff. Since you can buy tokens for ingame gold and you can then convert said tokens to balance, in game gold now has real monetary value - you have caused uncountable players to lose out on actual money.

If you are unable to restore the items you lost in our guild banks, you need to do the right thing and compensate the impacted players in some other way.


Thanks Tag. I understand what you mean now, and have to say I’ve been of that same opinion for weeks now. I literally stopped giving them money the day I noticed my items missing which was pretty much the first few days after they reopened Warbands banks because that was my mechanism for consolidating items from my horde guild into my alliance bank using the warband bank as the intermediary, rather than using an account bound item, like a scouting map to enable me to mail gold/unbound items cross faction.

Yep, I noticed issues with stacking that early, and submitted a bug for it, then it was merely a couple days after TWW launch that I went to my guild bank and saw it was virtually empty, but I hadn’t noticed anything beyond stacking problems until that time.

the answer to my ticket from GM in short words was a link to this bluepost and that this topic is closed and that there is no sense to write further tickets, I have to deal with it. I lost more than 15 years of stuff, 7 bank tabs full of stuff and got NO mail, nothing, nada. I am disappointed, angry, speechless.


They’re not even capable of giving good things back! I received 760 air bewitches. I didn’t have that many in my bank.
On 4 empty tabs, that’s a lot less than what I had. It’s pathetic for a paying service ! We put up with this from free games and even then, we leave them. I’m thinking of doing the same, despite my years of gaming and all my characters.

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It’s unacceptable to treat players like that, people who have invested in this game. Being at the head of a company is not just about collecting dividends. It’s also about keeping the company going and respecting its customers!


Hello, this is unacceptable, ppl lost items and gold woth hundreds / thousands of dollars / euros…
I’ve personally been restored just 9 item slots out of ~650 that disappeared!
HOW TO DO IT (for devs that say it’s impossible)
1. Get Gbank backup snapshot before the patch
2. Sum up gold, items and amounts from that snapshot
3. Subtract withdrawed items based on Gbank logs (those are intact)
4. Add up items that have been put into Gbank based on Gbank logs
5. Subtract items that are present in Gbank at the moment
6. Subtract already “recovered” items that have been sent out
7. Wohoooo you have the result! All missing items and gold that should be mailed out to current GuM!


The backups were deleted by one of the employees who was fired. It’s obvious. They tried to find a way out for four weeks, but the backups disappeared and there is no way out…


Along with the logs then? :wink:

5/10 for the story, its a bit too fantastical. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Do you think that the bug with deleting things from the database accidentally got to the live server? Someone got a message that they are subject to mass layoffs. Someone who gave a huge part of their life. Someone had access to the backups and to the repository with the code, in which they could “accidentally” comment out a part of the code that saved data to the new table of cross-server guilds… The things were first frozen so that they would not be accidentally duplicated. Then they had to be copied to the new table (this part of the code is commented out and did not work). And then they had to be deleted from the old table. An accident?


That is really nice story, however there should be multiple backups, for this case it doesn’t matter if it’s the most current one or 3 months old.
Hell they should have many copies in multiple datacenters, dating as back as several years, and even offline copies.
Even deleting on purpose to remove gold from the game is more plausible than not having backup at all.


With my experience in IT: while it could be a scenario in a smaller business…
In this case: No… not one person would get away with this or have access to everything. There will be multiple back-ups and logs for a project this big. Security, would also be higher than most set-ups.

I’m sure this was incompetence or negligence or a bit of both and greed was in the way of a decent solution.

A data breach would have created a bigger mess, same for: a lone wolf, high placed disgruntled employee.

Don’t forget they lost a lot of people over the years, some really experienced and talented individuals. The way they were bled… that’s not easily replaceable.

The more likely cause is: someone did something stupid.