Guild Bank stacking not working

I have found that my guild bank is not stacking items properly.

Yes, I have a guild that is 100% mine and private to my own accounts - and has a guild bank - like so many of us do.

I have been trying to consolidate the banks and bags on my various characters into this guild bank, saving the expensive space in the Warband bank for stuff from TWW, and knowing that I can promote stuff out of the guild bank into the Warband bank as and when I need to.

However today, 15/Aug/2024 I have found that items are not depositing / stacking properly when trying to add them to the guild bank - in fact they are not going into the bank at all if there is an existing stack on that tab. No, the stacks are not at capacity or will go over maximum size if the stuff in my inventory does get deposited - so please do NOT suggest that as a cause.

If I try and put them on another tab, that does work, just not if there is an existing stack on the same tab.

Where I have attempted to stack items on their preferred tab, any management of the pre-existing stack becomes impossible - they cannot be moved around slots inside that same tab, nor even withdrawn from that tab.

This is clearly seriously broken, and I am surprised that others aren’t reporting this issue at the moment.

I can’t even log an in-game ticket about it because I currently have two tickets open - leaving me with the forum as the only place I can raise this issue.

And NO I am not going to report it as a bug, because it was working yesterday, just not today. I am not aware of any update being pushed to my client, so can only assume this is something in the back-end that has failed.

and here it is.

Worst case scenario has landed. You’ve emptied the majority of tab1, and completely cleared tabs 2,3,4,5,6,7 as of logging in this morning.

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