My guild decided to go horde and PVP. I protested, but it was decided anyway. I really like the people and they are worth the headache of being on a PVP server. I leveled up 6 characters and their professions, enjoying all the new quests and runes, especially since I’ve never played horde for more than a few levels before.
However, after leveling up two characters to 25 and four more to 20-23 and most of their professions to 150, only two people are actively playing in the guild making it pointless to stay on this PVP server.
I’ve spent a lot of time getting my characters and their professions leveled, but I don’t want the frustration of playing on a PVP server now that I’ll have to do it alone. Would you, please, consider opening up PVP to PVE transfers in the future?
That’s what I’m hoping for. I bought a transfer when the guild moved from a locked server to another one, but it didn’t work then either, so I had to start over on the new server after already spending more time that I wanted to waste.
Don’t you have a discord server or some other social media connection ? Maybe ask them there if they are planning to come back, if they wont, then maybe you just start over right now, before we get to lvl 40 and it gets even harder to reroll. I wouldn’t rely on Blizzard giving FCM at the moment.
Of course we have discord. If the guild stopped raiding two lock outs ago and I’m normally the only one online, do I really need to ask?
Leveling up alchemy, tailoring, enchanting, mining, skinning, fishing, and herbing up to 150 again along with leveling my main up 25 with BiS, my first alt to 25, and the rest: 23,22, 21, 20, 14.
I’ve already started over on a PVE server, but I’m in the forums pleading for transfers instead of leveling my third character to 10 or farming cloth for more bags.
Yea, why not ask. Some people could’ve lost interest and not planning to come back.
I mean I hope you get what you plead for, but if I were you I wouldn’t have high hopes. Blizzard doesn’t really communicate through forums for a long time now. They even ask community questions on twitter instead of the forums.
My guild is in the same boat, but thats because everyone has either done their WSG rep grind or we’ve cleared BFD to the point we have 3 chars geared each, so we’re just waiting for p2 atm.
Probably same situation for you. There’s just not much to do at the back end of this phase.
I know all of this. Which is why I’m asking for it and providing a reason why I think it should be added.
5 people in the guild came back for a bit. Just logged in and there were a total of 3 people leveling. I’ve started over on an PVE server on alliance and it’s just so time consuming doing everything all over again.
Also, I guess I dodged a bullet since melee Shaman didn’t seem to have gotten Str gear nor have they gotten rune good enough to make them at least middle pack DPS, but my poor druid got nerfed so hard and doesn’t even get starfire for a few more levels. Guess I’ll get the resto runes and respec.
I asked in discord if anyone was going to play and two people said they were. I just logged on and three people were leveling, only 5 players had leveled past 25 and two of those are below 27. Just like I said, pointless. Balls have nothing to do with this at all. It’s the server type and faction choice. We are a PVP (on a 99.9% alliance server) Alliance guild, horde pvp wasn’t a good idea.
You must really hate PvP, if you’re getting frustrated by playing on PvP server. Lone Wolf is a good server (bigger and better now, than Living Flame). So If I were you, I probably wouldn’t run from there.
PVP servers are pointless to me. No one is going to pick a fight they think they will lose. If you play a tank you’re screwed especially if it is one of the weakest melee specs in the game. I’m sure people who play strong PVP classes are having a good time giving as much as they are getting, but when I’m only getting killed it’s no fun. I really get nothing about of killing random players anyway.
I log in with a goal and having a 5-minute quest take an hour isn’t fun for me, it’s a waste of time. The game doesn’t allow tanks to do decent damage and dual spec isn’t in the game for the phase with a PVP only event.
I am in the exact same situation as you Newmight :
started with 8 friends on Lone wolf, they all promised me pvp is the best server to find pve players and there is not a lot of outdoor pvp .
i already did the experience in 2019-2020 with phase 2 and it was the worse experience of my gaming career ( 1h to go to molten core )
now we are second week of phase 2 and we are only 3 playing, i dislike pvp, i have always disliked pvp, but i stayed for my friends , and now they stopped playing .
warrior and hunter with bfd gear and revered rep gone, herb + mining + eng + blacksmith 150 gone , over 300g gone
I regret playing pvp from the start and should have chosen to play solo instead .
i started a new char last week on Wild Growth and i reached level 36 today by playing here and there. the 1-25 experience boost is nice , and walking in ratchet or stonetalon without dying every minute is refreshing .
I wish you all the luck, make a new char now, you wont regret it for the 8-16 months of content we have left
the longer you stay on pvp serv, the more you will regret it and it will be harder to start from 0
I got my druid to level 20 and was able to get Starfire. I just went out and farmed bear meat. And since the cast time is so long and the scaling from spell power is so low that Starfire is so weak it can’t out damage wrath, a no cost spell, even after its damage is increased by 66%.
Unfortunately, since I couldn’t transfer my horde characters I had to start over. After thinking about the future of Shaman and my distrust of Blizzard I went back to main tanking a Paladin. I don’t think Blizzard is going to support Shaman with enough mail Strength gear and they are not likely going to make their AP or shield block value scale with agility. I was afraid I would feel the need to start over, again, on horde if there was amazing shaman runes and gear in phase 2 coming, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
I did start over, and on Wild Growth. I have a level 24 Paladin, 20 Druid, 17 Priest, 16 mage and 16 Warlock. Knowing I can go anywhere at any time is a breath of fresh air. Most of my characters have 150 cooking and fishing and I’m leveling their professions to 150 while getting them to 25.