Guild for a beginner

I’m looking for guild that is, first of all, newbie friendly. Here is some basic info:

  • Playing on Ashbringer, Alliance
  • Arms Warrior 31lvl
  • Gonna switch to prot after hitting 60 - my dream is to tank
  • Blacksmith/Miner
    I’ve started playing wow literally one month ago, so there’s still a lot of things I don’t know. I’m mostly interested in raiding, although I’m rather casual player. I’d love to find a guild that is new and still growing and developing.

There are tonnes of guilds for casual/leveling/social players. Just ask around in Trade Chat or the LFG channel and you’ll surely find one that way. Guild leaders/officers also use the channel to recruit, as well.

Also, welcome to WoW Classic!
Hope you enjoy the ride. It’s a lot of fun once you know some people to conquer Azeroth with!

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Hello Rasham,

Which server are you on? If you are an alliance on Earthshaker EU, we would love to help you out in our guild.

it’s Ashbringer sadly, but I appreciate the reply <3

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