I’ve recently re-rolled as ele shaman* after playing pretty casually since mid-Legion and I’d love to get back into raiding.
I’m looking for a friendly, social raiding guild that’s currently clearing heroic (though I appreciate my ilvl may not be quite there yet!) or a mythic guild that has social/alt runs. Two raids per week are preferred but I could do three for the right guild.
Prior to my recent slackness, I raided through late MoP, WoD, and the first three raids of Legion before I took a step back due to work commitments. Partly because of this, I have very little experience with Mythic+ (I HATE pugging) but this is also something I’d love to get into.
*I can also resto but I need gear and I’d rather keep that as an off-spec.
If I sound like I might be a good fit for your guild, feel free to add me on Bnet (Linden#2299) or Discord (Linden#3093)!
We’ve welcomed a number of players back from taking breaks from the game feel free to check us out and add me for a chat if it peaks your interest - we are looking for an Ele shaman too
ShadowStorm#2144707 is my bnet and ShadowStorm#9541 is discord
we are currently 7/8h raiding two days a week fri/sun 8-11pm server time. the rest of the week we run lots of mythic plus from 8s to 15+, where always looking for nice friendly players to join us whether just for mythic plus, raids or having a laugh in chat
If u wana have a chat you can add me setana#21724 Im currently away until tuesday but if u’d like to have a chat with another officer can w/ Aurelliea or rhoslu