Guild Hall

What really defines classic? It’s the experiences you have with your guild because you experience all the content with them. You need your friends to go on instances and raids; farming is usually more fun with friends from the guild.

What do guilds want from Blizzard? A guild bank!

What can Blizzard do to bring these two aspects together?

Bring the Guild Hall! An instanced house in a capital city similar to the Hall of Legends. All members of the respective guild can enter this house.
At the beginning there is only a restaurant, guild banners hang on the wall and there is a chest in it which is the first guild bank with only limited spaces. Guild members can donate gold there.

With the bartender you can upgrade things for certain materials that drop in instances and raids. For example, an alchemy laboratory, a black anvil or a portal to the moonwell.

It is important that the things from the instances are soulbound. For example, Ragnaros drops a “molten essence” for each player. As soon as 20 guild members have donated the essence in the guild hall, a black anvil will be built. In Scholomance, test tubes drop, 20 of which are also needed to build an alchemy laboratory.

The only important thing is that there is no auction house or a normal bank there, so the guild hall is helpful for guilds but does not replace capital cities. The Guild Hall has to be worth it that Guilds grind for it but not overpowered.

Please think about it!

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Sounds like a decent idea, actually. Careful though, dont wanna end up with another garrison incident.

Does need some tuning etc, dont wanna force people to HAVE to be loyal to a guild, just because they contributed with some things.


Yes absolutely it must not end in a copy of the garrison. It should give Guildmembers “nice to haves” but no “must haves”.

For me personally the biggest need of my Guild would be a Guild Bank. But this Guild Hall would fit good into the “Classic Style” i guess.

I understand what you want, but not a big fan.

First of all I don’t think we can summerize “what really defines classic ?” about having some guild experiences only.

The overall social activities the game can offer and the possibility to have everyone coexisting in the same world is, to me, what defines classic (also the slow pace and old school farming :ok_hand:).

If we all end up in our own private instanced houses, what will become of this very world, starting with the capitals ?

I played SWTOR since its release and I saw what became of this game after “guild houses” were introduced. Let’s not forget even the players had their own “private houses”.

The main Hub became a ghost town, with only a few players hanging out, probably some that didn’t unlock their own private mansion yet.

In SWOTR these private instanced houses also had everything: merchands, repair, Auction House and so on. You could also decorate these places. It was more playing The SIMS than Star Wars.

If no one has to step out their own private world anymore, even for the most basic item to buy, then there is no point to be part of the outside one.

For these reasons I’m strongly against any “private instance” feature.

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Yes i get you and thats why i said it should be a good thing that is worth the grind for it but it must not be overpowered. So that it is no alternative to a Capital. A place only for crafting and a guildbank. And maybe guilds can earn a Tier 2 Tambard for Teleporting to their Guild Hall all 2 or 4 Hrs. So it would be exactly what i said, a nice to have but no overpowered must have and not to be like the Garrison in WoD.

There is a very thin, fine, line between whats casual and whats “mandatory”.

If its good enough, the guild will “force” players to contribute to it, but if its not “worth it” people wont do it:P
Thats what i suspect anyway, in this “tryhard” meta.

But yeah, like i said, with some proper tuning it can be a nice thing to add.

Love the idea. Could be awesome. Perhaps a good idea for classic+.
Would be nice to have some req. for the anvil and alchemist lab aswell. Like clear scholomance within 45m. same goes with BRD or MC. Pretty much like stratholme UD.

this sounds great tbh.

as long as we keep the idea in check.

  • no vendors.
  • no mailbox.
  • no personal bank.
  • no auction house.
  • no portals.

black anvil, molten smelter, moonwell (or something similar), alchemy lab etc. would be awesome though.

some precaution needs to be taken here, as i imagine people would behave like rats and attempt to sell access to these venues in trade chat, which i am not a fan of since the various chat channels are spammed enough as it is.
therefore there should be a requirement to use these, such as needing to stay in the related guild hall’s guild for at least a week to use them.

on the note of stuff you could have in there, i’ll add my own wishes to the list.

  • guild banners are a neat idea, obviously based on guild tabard design, this is a no-brainer.
  • a long table with some chairs.
  • trophy rack to display i.e the heads of defeated raid bosses, perhaps with a hearth/fireplace.
  • a big picture frame on the wall where you can upload an in-game screenshot, such as a group photo.
  • a herald/butler npc sporting a guild tabard that sells water/food (and only that).
  • stable slot for 1 vanity critter pet that can be named which then walks around the hall.
  • a training dummy or two.
  • a medium sized sparring ring/arena for duels used for guild-tournaments, perhaps complete with spectator seats.
  • and of course a guild bank.

little things like that, that only has sentimental and strictly guild-related value and some slight practical QoL uses (like arena/training dummies/crafting venues) would be more than fine in my book, but again, i’ll draw the line at anything related to AH, personal bank, mailbox, portals, vendors (save for the butler’s food/water) etc.

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