Guild <Prominence> declares war on <Nova>

To the attention of the Alliance vermin from < Nova >,

Be aware that members of our guild will KoS any of you regardless of zone, levels or numbers. Reason for this are you overall dishonorable ways of playing and jumping ( including camping ) horde players only when you have double, or triple numbers advantage. Ever since a case in Northfold Manner I’ve been executing any of you I can get my hands on. This is now enrolled on a guild-wide level.

/signed in Takeo’s blood from last night in Un’goro
Tadaka GM of < Prominence >


How mad 1-10?

Kr Nova

Well Let’s go bae :smiley:



Good stuff, no clue what you are on about though.


Wtf is this post? This is pretty sad…

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Woah woah woah… Promin… who? Declare war? Someone got stepped on their tippy toes. One would think it’s better to have friends when you’re all alone as a level 51 hunter in Un’Goro? That place can be… unforgiving. :thinking:

Make me proud lads.

/Signed with the Tears of Tadaka

//Whybother, Guildmaster of Nova.


You got it mate.

I’ll let you suck my dagger next time I see you @Tadaka


Yo, pretty pathetic turn up. Your guild name sounds like a 3rd tier cabbel channel and yet most of the people who wrote here I’ve personally slain and camped already :confused: /wave Takeo /wave Gucci

Just like this fellow here this morning who decide it’s better to log off and go to school. https://[]imgur[.]com/a/H2L7vLd

SUP Tadaka.

Having a good day?


Changing layer so you can get away What a man over here!!!

Looks like your players still needs to improve, Tadaka.


You guys never stop surprising us with how fast you can die in this game. Is that a criteria for joining Prominence? Being trash at PvP?

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Hello Tadaka!

I really wish you’re having the best of days.

I just wanted to continue sharing our Battles here on the wow-forums. I saw that you were protecting the BWL entrance. Did not go all that well for you. :frowning:


Have a good day!

Sooo did y’all get any closure on this?

We still kill Prominence whenever we see them. But they are getting fewer and far between. I think Tadaka has had a bad time in Classic.

Haha =) I doubt man. We’ve discontinued our raiding since March and waiting for TBC. Most people are currently in other guilds while the expansion lands =)

Regarding the BWL orb thing, it’s obvious there are a lot of other random people around. I think you just caught us mid corpse run ( and there was a lot of lagging in there for a while ).

I really giggle when recalling one time in WPL, one of your rogues (Human Female) jumped me after landing at flight master. Surprising to him/her, after finishing her kidney shot, I kited her to death. It seems though she cried for help because 3 more of you started chasing me on mounts ( as I was killing her). Did a bit of 1v4 there and still managed to get drop down a few heads :wink:

Maybe we’ll see each other again in TBC! =) Stay safe until then lol

Will we see Prominence comeback in TBC? That is what we’re all wondering right now.

haha this is so fun to watch please keep us up to date <3
i like members of they always are nice to others and are so funny too hahah <3
cu in outland boys ^^
