Guild Raid Event in Calendar missing options

I’m wanting to make guild events in the calendar in-game for the new raid - which I can do - but there are only options for either Normal or LFR difficulty level. Mythic and Heroic are not options.

Although it’s not really a major issue, unlike virtually all of the other problems plaguing guilds at the moment, I’m just checking if (a) this is just me and everyone else is fine or (b) it’s a bug and we’re going to have to live with it.

I’ve deliberately left off the option that it might get fixed because … well … you’ve seen the state of guild support, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I raised a bug report and ticket for this because I’d not seen it mentioned anywhere else on known issues, etc.

Edit: I also raised a ticket in respect of this. I got a reply that suggested checking known issues, giving urls to these pages. One is which has been unpinned for some reason, suggesting it’s no longer got anything of priority on it, and the other was to which is a “page not found”. It’s pretty bad when even the standard “fob off” messages can’t be bothered to be accurate.

It also suggested deleting Curseforge and WoW Matrix (never even heard of the latter), deleting WTF and cache, and deleting all my addons. The only thing it didn’t suggest is deleting the game - although that would, I suppose, solve the problem :stuck_out_tongue:

The ticket was closed as resolved, with no way to re-open.

I wasn’t exactly expecting a GM to resolve it … but I was expecting them to have a quick look into their systems and see if this had been reported before and, if not, say they’d escallate it.

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Am I the only one that is encountering this? I’ve had one or two others say they’ve seen it … but does no-one else use the calendar?

If you don’t … what do you use instead, and why? (so I can see if there’s a viable alternative for us, as even before this, the Blizzard calender isn’t really fit for purpose).

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All our raids are listed as Normal but nobody really cares that it says the wrong thing. Yes it would be nice if they corrected it.

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So you don’t have the Heroic or Mythic options either?

I mean that basically summons up how I think Blizzard views the majority of their bugs currently, especially ones related to guilds … “nobody cares …”

I care, primarily because I’m pretty good with my guild admin, and my guild members are therefore used to that. If I put a raid on the calendar that says it is Normal … then it’s Normal. If I put one up that’s Heroic … then it (used to say) it is Heroic. Now I’ve got guild members contacting me saying “well, the calendar says one thing, and your text says something else” … and yet again I’m having to say “Blizzard bug”.

Ohh we have some more achievements … “Blizzard bug”

Wow lots of people all logging on/off all at the same time … “Blizzard bug”

Where did all the stuff from the guild vault go … “Blizzard bug” …

I tried to change my status on the calendar but the entire event just disappeared … “Blizzard bug” …

I just thought that, out of all the Blizzard bugs out there, perhaps this one would be an easy fix. I mean they’ve managed to get these options right for years up until now …

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If I was organising the raid calendar it would bother me too, but I’m not. I just sign up. None of us signing up, care. It says in the description what we are doing, usually Hc. Tbh it’s quite novel to be in a guild that still uses the in game calendar. So many use sign up bots on discord these days.

I did not say it was fine for it not to be working.

However as always it’s worth doing a bug report for things that don’t work. We make these in game.

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Did the bug report thing already. Never completely sure they get them/pay attention to them though, and wanted to check here to see if others noticed it and if there were alternatives to using the in-game calendar … ideally an addon like Group Calendar (no longer maintained for some time now).

Unfortunately we have a complicated guild raid system in that anyone can sign up, of any rank, on any of their characters … which makes things like GoW bot no good for us.

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Any chance this will get looked at? Or even an acknowledgement that it’s there and that it won’t be an issue with the next raid? Or perhaps you’re going to remove “normal” as well then and just leave it at LFR?

Hey Poisonenvy,

I’m afraid that we don’t have any information about this option. Bugs (and game suggestions) should be reported in-game.

Yeah I’ve reported it as a bug. It shouldn’t need to be reported as a suggestion, because up until this particular raid season for this particular expansion, there has ALWAYS been the option to choose the different levels of raid instance that is available in game.

So it’s obviously a bug (at least, I’d hope it would be).

Do you understand what I’m asking/talking about? Just so I know there’s no confusion? Because normally at this point I’d have expected at the very least a reply saying “they’re aware/looking into it” OR “nothing seems to be previously reported, please make sure you report in-game”.

Saying you don’t have any information about this option makes it sound like you don’t know what I’m even referring to.

So … for clarification … this is the Blizzard in-game calendar. We (and many others) use it to pre-arrange group events in-game. It’s not great - borderline fit for purpose - but it’s the only option we have in-game, so we use it to organise raids.

When you go through the process of adding a new event on the calendar, you can add it just as a normal event (you invite people you’d like to come, to it, and only those invited can see it), a guild event (everyone in the guild can see it) or a community event, plus one or two others.

You can then select the event to be for a raid - which gives you a list of raids. We’re doing the Nerubar Palace raid and, when selecting that, you then get the option to pick the type of raid - normally you’d get to pick from a list of all the options that are currently in the game, so LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic. At the moment, Heroic and Mythic options are missing.

It’s not game-breaking or causing any major issues or losses, unlike some bugs, however, equally, it just feels like it’s something that might be a real easy fix - IF the relevant people know about it.

All I’m wanting to know is … do they know about it and at the very least will it be resolved for Season 2?

I understand what this thread is about, yes. If we don’t have any information on an issue, it means that there is no bug that we’re aware of (and it doesn’t mean that the bug doesn’t exist).

The Customer support team (which is the one handling these forums) isn’t QA (Quality Assurance - the team that would find and confirm bugs after reproducing them on their end), or the development team (they would be the ones who fix bugs, and release hotfixes / game patches).

These forums aren’t really the place to post bugs. Bugs should be reported in-game, as I’m sure you’re well aware by now, since you’re regular of these forums. :slight_smile:

Not all bugs are created equal. Some are more complicated than they appear, some may take more time, and some may need to be pushed back to a later patch depending on their complexity, impact on the game, and many other criteria.

The relevant people would want to know about this kind of bug via a bug report, which you can do in-game.

Hope this helps!

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Yes that’s brilliant! Thank you xx

One more question if I may - I know I’m being a nuisance but it helps me understand the process on your side of things, which will hopefully prevent me being quite so much a nuisance in the future (and possibly help others who have similar questions).

As I mentioned … I’ve already reported this bug (twice now) in-game, over a reasonable period of time (ie, not days or a couple of weeks, but longer), fulfilling that suggestion. I’ve also reported it here and in the dedicated Bug Report forum on the US forums.

However, you’ve said that you’re not aware of this bug. Is there a disconnect or a certain length of time it takes from bug report in-game > QA > list of bugs you check when responding to queries here? Obviously it makes sense that there is … I’m just trying to work out if I report a bug, which is easily reproduced and found, roughly how long it would take to get from that stage to the point where you’d see it.

Or are there certain bugs that just don’t make “the list”?

Just for info, so you know where I’m coming from … my usual process when I come across a bug is:

  • double check forums to see if anyone else has reported it (perhaps with a solution/workaround - especially if it’s not actually a bug but me having a senior moment!),
  • then report in-game if needed,
  • then report on forums if I think it’s warranted/affects me a lot (mainly stuff to do with guilds, as you’ve probably noticed :stuck_out_tongue: ).
  • I’ll then often completely forget about it … then remember about it, can’t remember if I reported it in-game, so often do it again, then come back here, realise I did … and then wonder if I’m sending reports into the void, hence the query about whether or not it’s been added to that never-ending bug list …

If I should be doing anything else, or differently, please let me know.

As you can tell, I usually try to avoid making tickets if I can help it, because I know (a) that system is difficult to use, (b) they’re very busy and (c) usually the ticket replies are about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Which to be fair is useful if I want chocolate – not so much if I want a roaring fire …

We’re not part of QA or the development teams, so I can’t speak for them. However from experience, I can offer a few leads:

  1. CS doesn’t have access to all the tools that these departments use, so we’re not necessarily in the loop of everything
  2. QA or the developers may be aware of an issue, but may not have gotten around to enter a bug with the steps to reproduce just yet
  3. If a bug is reported on the forums or in-game, it may simply take time for them to get to it, if they’re busy with other tasks / bugs - there’s unfortunately no specific ETA for bugs, some can be fixed with a few hours or days if they impact a lot of players negatively, while others may take weeks for the next patch to address it
  4. It’s always possible that a bug is entered using some internal / dev specific terms, and that we’ve simply missed it

That’s pretty good, although I would add a few things. :slight_smile:

  • Google can often be helpful to find issues or bugs, there may be a thread about it on Wowhead, Reddit, MMO Champion or some other website that Google can find
  • We do have support articles for many issues, that we update regularly: