Yeah I’ve reported it as a bug. It shouldn’t need to be reported as a suggestion, because up until this particular raid season for this particular expansion, there has ALWAYS been the option to choose the different levels of raid instance that is available in game.
So it’s obviously a bug (at least, I’d hope it would be).
Do you understand what I’m asking/talking about? Just so I know there’s no confusion? Because normally at this point I’d have expected at the very least a reply saying “they’re aware/looking into it” OR “nothing seems to be previously reported, please make sure you report in-game”.
Saying you don’t have any information about this option makes it sound like you don’t know what I’m even referring to.
So … for clarification … this is the Blizzard in-game calendar. We (and many others) use it to pre-arrange group events in-game. It’s not great - borderline fit for purpose - but it’s the only option we have in-game, so we use it to organise raids.
When you go through the process of adding a new event on the calendar, you can add it just as a normal event (you invite people you’d like to come, to it, and only those invited can see it), a guild event (everyone in the guild can see it) or a community event, plus one or two others.
You can then select the event to be for a raid - which gives you a list of raids. We’re doing the Nerubar Palace raid and, when selecting that, you then get the option to pick the type of raid - normally you’d get to pick from a list of all the options that are currently in the game, so LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic. At the moment, Heroic and Mythic options are missing.
It’s not game-breaking or causing any major issues or losses, unlike some bugs, however, equally, it just feels like it’s something that might be a real easy fix - IF the relevant people know about it.
All I’m wanting to know is … do they know about it and at the very least will it be resolved for Season 2?