Guild recruitment

Forfedrene guild is recruiting!

The guild is looking to Add new members to it core raiding team which is located on the stonespine server. It was created by a group of friends who have raiding experience throughout most expansions since the vanilla right upto retail .We are a friendly bunch of nerds looking to have fun playing the game together.

We are currently looking for experienced players who want to actively play the game and want to be a apart of something good whilst downing and having fun at the same time .


  • Be respectful to your fellow guild members
  • Have patience on raid progress and be willing to learn from your mistakes
  • Be prepared for Raid nights with consumables and enchants
  • Join our discord and voice chat during the raids
  • Good knowledge and understanding of your class

Even though we are currently looking for experienced raiders to fill our raid roster every player who wants to join is welcome. That includes casual players who want to join the guild in a social manner and inexperienced players who want to join the guild and get help learning the game mechanics and max level content whilst running dungeon group with guildies or questing together

For any more info whisper a officer in game