Guild Tabard Creator for Websites

Fellow Argent Dawners
For those who remember the tabard creators from and…
I have tried to recreate a webpage to create these emblems once more for your websites and Argent Archives pages.
Bear in mind there are a couple of bugs as my javascript skills have gotten a bit rusty, but the main concept works! Just need to click an extra couple of times sometimes (loadtimes am I right?)
The website is hosted on netlify, (freehosting) so if this does get a lot of traction we may hit the limit of 100gb a month for bandwidth, just mentioning in case it does go down at some point because of it xD
Now guilds can have a chance again at easily accessing these guild tabard images for their profiles.

I’ll probably still try to get the bugs out at some point, however currently I am happy with the fact that the images are getting created succesfully. Just right click and save/copy.


Faaaaantastic! Works a treat!

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Thats some mvp stuff right there, ty champ

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Oh this is excellent, thanks a bunch! One thing though, the colours seem very dark/muted. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth and the icons you can make with this are beautiful, but it is near impossible to recreate your guild tabard in this if it has any white in it for example.


I can have a look into some tests to see what happens if I change the colours up slightly.
Working with base images and then re-tinting them within the actual website code so it might not be perfectly like how the originals were. I’ll see if I can find some examples of the old websites’ images and see if I can kinda recreate the colours on them on this version.

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You’re a rockstar. That would be amazing :pray:

Thank you Dravise, very cool. :smiley: :+1:

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Haven’t updated the colours too much yet but used a slightly different dataset, white has now also been added though as options.
tinting function still makes it sleightly darker tho

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Looks great now. Thanks a bunch!

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Was something I wanted to create both for myself, and let the community use once again.
I have reviewed my code a bit more and I think this is the lightest I am gonna be able to get it though, reason being the base images that get re-tinted keep some of their darker colouring into the final product.
My last thought on getting a bit more customisation is putting some color picker inputs in for “custom colours”. The colour selection right now is to match mostly of what the tabards look like in game right now as close as possible with this method.


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