Guild wanted

I’m looking for guild - lonely playing on your own all the time :slight_smile: . Currently on doomhammer but prepared to move if necessary. Willing to help others. LVL120 Marksman Hunter. I play a lot UK daytime.

Thanks for reading

Hey there :slight_smile:

Not sure if horde side is something you’d be interested, but < Core Elite > is recruiting on Tarren Mill. Currently we have alot of members enjoying leveling/mog runs/M+ and more, which you’d be more than welcome to join.

Thanks for the reply but I would lose too much and have to do war campaign again :frowning:

Then you get to see the horde side, and you would be joining a team of elites!

if you are looking for a new home and want to be a part of something big, you are more than welcome mate

Seriously considering it - lack of response from Alliance side here and elsewhere is disappointing.

hmm that sucks…

In any case if you do decide to try the horde side, you can always join us for a guild hc clear, then you can see how we work and you can make up your mind from there.