Core Elite
Is an upcoming PvP/PvE guild aiming to climb and clear content in Shadowlands. Our main focus is to create a team of skilled, like-minded players who enjoy thriving in all aspects of the game to its fullest.
Raid days:
Wednesday - 19:45st - 23:00 st
Sunday - 19:45st - 23:00 st
With each new tier we aim to clear quickly and efficiently. Whilst not making Cutting Edge our goal, we do want to push as far as possible, all whilst maintaining an enjoyable atmosphere. Whether you are new to the raiding scene or a seasoned player, our recruitment is open to all, and our officers are always available to help. Pushing Mythic+ for maximum weekly gear will also be occurring frequently.
RbGs will be a staple throughout the week. With 2 teams running, 1 for those with previous experience and a 2nd team for those wanting to get into pvp and gain experience. Both teams will be lead by “Cräft” 2.4k exp player and there will be maintained a none toxic, and relaxed attitude. Negative players will be removed. If you have any questions or want to find out more, please drop me a pm or add me on