Guilds, their relevancy and wPvP

Maybe it was bugged when I checked this. Let’s check what I will see.


Wait, that is shop price of Token :smiley: I was talking about AH house lol

The token price is set by Blizzard, it works off an algorithm. There is no varying in price beyond what Blizzard sets.

We do not control the gold prices. The players don’t get to set them.

It does not matter which bit of WoW you use to look, AH or shop.

The price is the same on both.

Waaait. this small patches take longer for me to download then big patches :smiley:

323k on my realm. how do I link pic?

Aparently I can’t, need trust lvl 3 and I am lvl 2

You post an image online then post that url into your post, then highlight it and use the </> button.

The price will be the same on my realm AGAIN if I check all three.

Whatever you see on the realm you’ve just posted is the same on EVERY realm.

The price is determined by an algorithm that Blizzard use, region wide, so the whole EU.


Is this it? Way to complicated for 50 years old man :stuck_out_tongue:
I remember times when I could just cop/pasted it on forums :smiley:

Sadly that is on your pc which only you can access :wink: but I can go on Draenor and show that that 323k price is there too.

The price goes up and down for the whole region at the same time.

No need. I will accept what you say, but still will not forget what I saw month ago on three different servers

The gold value isn’t static and changes all the time. It does that region wide. You just happened to log between realms or only looked at the token at time the price was either crashing or vice versa.

When people convert a lot of tokens to balance to buy an expansion for example, the gold value goes up. This in turns spikes people buying tokens for the gold value which then makes the value go down.

You can see the current value on the site I shared or on the front page of wowhead (remember to change it to EU)

Well that was short time span. The ammount of time I need to log out and relog to other server. And price difference was way too high to be able to change so much in such short time I mean it went from 420k on Neptulon to 364k on Kazzak in lest then 2 minutes

I am not sure what’s your narrative here, but I play with WM on and most often than not I find tons of people in the pvp zones of the week. There is just no consistency or any reason for a whole guild to participate in it, that’s all. And the removal of sharding isn’t going to bring consistency or more guild content.

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As I understand, you are playing on RPVP server. Different rules apply for other knd of servers.
Shard of RPVP servers are way smaller then for other servers. So, balance could work there.

Now when someone from RPPVP server says this, it is only one problem for pvp players there. While the rest of us constantly have to deal with inbalance of sharding in war mode AND lack of guild content. So, RPPVP servers have it better then the rest of us
What brings us back to sharding creates more problems then it solves.

No, I am playing on normal realm which was previously a “PvE realms”. This meant that wPvP was non-existent to me until the godsend Warmode arrived. First time I wPvPed to my heart’s content was BFA.

My realm is Nagrand. There is no faction imbalance or dead wPVP there. I don’t know if they use sharding, layering or a combination of the two, but whatever they do it works like charm.

Faction imbalance and lack o wPvP in general were never my issues. My issues are:

  1. That wPvP only happens spontaneously and therefore it’s hard to create a guild around it.

  2. There is no guild content that will entice a guild to wPvP together like for example capturing an open world castle in the name of your guild or something similar.

its called being mixed with others who have WM on and its CRZ a cluster, if you look at the players names around you , you will see they are made up of 26 other realms in your cluster.

Then you are lucky. Come to ex battlegroup which was named Misery, which would be: Agrammar, Kazzak, Ozutland. Silvermoon, Stormscale, Grim Batol and others and check balance there.
Don’t know which battlegroup Nagrand belonged to. So maybe it is good for you. Definetly not good for Alliance in this nviroment I mentioned. Hence, sharding don’t work even if it is ok for you.

For some reason I thought you play on Rp server.

So as you can see, that if we have different experience with sharding, that alone proves it is not working right

Yeah, I am not sure why my “battlegroup” works so well. But damn, i am having a blast.

Ok, while I don’t doubt your experience, my advice would be to play with WM on all the time in the unlikely case you are wrong and you are just afraid of getting ganked…

There could be less optimized “battlegroups” out there… I dunno… But at the same time if it works for my “battlegroup” it could work for yours too.

I don’t care even if they bring players from the US as well to adjust the numbers properly. End result is awesome. We wPvPers are a minority in WoW community because wPvP hardly offers any vertical progression… So if they found a solution to make the game better for us without forcing wPvP on everyone I can only applaud them for that…

I played till end of SL, and nope, I am not afraid of getting ganked, usually I am the one who ganks lol. (at least I was, if you check my pvp kills, that was made in first half of bc) I am just not a fan of loosing two hours on few WQ’s in a zone a day because I can found even one Ally with WM on :smiley:

No, Battlegroups don’t exist anymore. They are now shards, with few servers added.
The only solution I can see is to remove all perks from Wpvp. Which means increased exp, gold, gear etc.
That way only those who actually like world pvp would play it. As of now, whole horde plays with WM (no matter f they like pvp or not), on because it is constant buff for them.
Also good time to add wpvp objectives
And what pisses me off the most is, if someone kills and want to gank my alt, and I would want to relog to my maina nd show that person what true ganking is, I get sharded on other shard and would never be able to revenge my alt :frowning:
When we was on pvp servers, I could do it easily. In fact, when ever I would lvl my alt my main would stay in the same zone, so if I get killed once, ok, twice, ok, third time I would relog and start ganking the ganker.
Not possible anymore