Guilds, their relevancy and wPvP

Yes that’s what this post was about. Adding wPvP objectives (or something similar anyway), around which we can organise guild events and such.

Now while I understand your frustration. Why not just hop to another to another shard with your alt and escape the ganker (if there is no way to fight back of course)? There are many ways to do it easily.

Lastly, if battlegroups don’t exist anymore and any realm can connect with another, I don’t know why it works for me but you see only Horde dominating everything while I see a 50/50 Horde and Alliance 90% of the time…

Cause in my mind, that would make me a coward :smiley:

In core battlegroups are still here. WHich servers which shard togeather shows. Those I know the most are those I mentioned. + they added some number of low populated servers.
Battlegroups as such are gone but the core servers connected with them still exist in sharding

In Misery battlegroup there was 16 servers
Blackout 19
Vindication (there is your server Nagrand only 8
Smallest battlegroup that existed. Probably that is why you have not much problems with sharding

Aha, so while they don’t exist anymore. They still affect your experience partially. So if they connected some Alliance dominated servers to yours, the situation could be solved/improved…

Cannot argue with that, but if a better geared person who also counters me somehow kills my character I just leave the place to do something else and don’t think about it. Or I stalk them until they try to kill someone else and then I ruin their next gank… Or I use the terrain against them … All that are part of the game… And that’s why it’s fun…

Exactly. Perhaps it could be solved but since all the servers are sharded already, most of servers are with higher horde population. There comes balance problem. I think now it is around 70/30 in favor of horde.
So on top of sharding, there is faction unbalance. And they are not doing anything to fix it.
Btw in post before I edited three battlegroups including yours with number of servers which was connected then.
Can’t found info how many servers was added somewhere or removed.

I am stubborn ox who will keep on trying to kill that person and loose my nerves because I am either outgeared massivly or outlvled :smiley:
And since I am not allowed to get upset because my heart, I simply turn my wm off and don’t turn it again

Oh dude, take care of yourself. Health comes first. Yes, wPvP can upset someone even if/when they are having fun with it.

I would stay away from PvP or online gaming in general if I were you. The rage potential is high so you will get upset many times. Maybe play single player? Something relaxing?

Yeah that might be the reason. So maybe the solution is grouping up as fewer realms possible while keeping faction balance in mind? I dunno… But my point is there is a way yo fix it without going backwards only for old problems to resurface.

Thanks, I do, but there two different senstion from pvp for me. Frustration because faction imbalance, and and satisfaction in Bg’s or Arenas no matter if we win or loose. I always do best i can, and only thing hat p me off is people who don’t do that.

They tried that but then some players would end up in shard without opposite faction on it hahaha.
They tried that already in BFA few months after they launched it. Never tried it again and ofc, not even thought to try to fix it :smiley:

I don’t see the way how they could fix it unless they stop with this faction unification and start actually balancing racials (or at least disable them in pvp because all of horde racials tops Ally ones)
They would have to write interesting stories to both factions, and we know what, I think Metzen said: “we hate writing for the Alliance” Avoid this victimization of a race like with Nelfs etc.
But racials are biggest problem. Right now Alliance have only one racial which makes only one class kind of Oped ,Rogue with Shadowmeld. And even that horde is crying because it is oped but they don’t complain about, for example, Tauren Stomp which affects all classes Tauren can play, which will soon be all :smiley:

Spark zone always has 200 players bashing eachothers faces in most shards, world pvp quests are also packed, other than that you will only find small skrimishes around the world.

I recommend going to the spark zone with your guild if you wanna have large scale pvp.

Yeah, the only consistency is wPvP can be found on spark zones so that might be the solution to my issue.

The only spark zone that has low participation is the Emerald Dream one. And I do not blame the players for this. In terms of wPvP the Emerald Dream is a bit underwhelming. This also proves that rewards alone are not enough, you need interesting wPvP hubs/events for people to participate.

^^ This is good advice!


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