I don’t think so. Unreliable narrators leave some wiggling room for truth and the conflict about it, but WoW really isn’t that sophisticated. They don’t give us two perspectives on events and let the characters of their world disagree about it, they just don’t have the same version of the story now than they did back then, and sadly, there is litte uncertainty to bef found between characters. If something is added to the lore, suddenly everybody and their murloc knows about it. Doesn’t matter that Titans, cosmic forces and all of that stuff were supposedly a mystery for tens of thousands of years, as soon as we get the Chronicles, everyone starts referring to it. That’s not an unreliable narrator, that’s just a continuity problem.
I think the reason why we liked, or like, the world of Warcraft is much easier: It’s good at being cool. The Rule of Cool isn’t exactly high art, but if it works, it worked, and there were plenty of awesome moments in Warcraft. That they could deliver them in pretty much any genre they liked without stressing too much about continuity meant that for most people there was some awesomeness to connect to. No matter your favourite race or faction, there was a pathos about it, that’s easy to like and cheer for.
Now, that comes with a problem… Do the people of 2023 cheer for the same stuff that we cheered for 20 years earlier? Is a defiant jerk that resists mind control to kill a demon with an axe still as cool for today’s youth as it was for some of us? I’m not sure, but I do think Blizzard tried to shift focus here, which made its structural flaws more visible for the people it didn’t cater to (as much) anymore. But Dragonflight seems to be pretty well recieved, so if they continue delivering cool moments for te crowd that likes it, maybe that’s good enough.
Depends on what you’re looking for. For the stuff that happened throughout the Warcraft games, I think it’s a fine summary that the devs will use as a reference, whenever they look up the lore. Where it fails to hold up today is pretty much everything cosmic. As soon as it talks about gods of one kind or another, their motivations, and the forces behind them, you’re clearly in a realm that they’re still planning out, and can’t rely on anything. Which is why they straight-out told us that the books are from a titan-friendly pov, with all the biases that come with it.
So… if you care about what happened to the mortal races during the games, it’s probably still the best you’ll get.
If you want to learn about the cosmic powers, Naaru, Titans, Sargeras’ motivations, the Black Empire, the Shadowlands, and all of these half-formed concepts, it’s pretty useless.
If you want a guide to build RP around, you’re out of luck anyways.