Gurubashi Arena - Put good ilvl gear in it for wPvP content

Really simple idea - put a chance for decent ilvl drop for first x players that loot the Gurubashi Arena chest.

All mechanics there, is a bit of a wPvP zone for most server groups anyway.

Would really cause a wPvP flash point, give players something to do and actually provide a reward.

Doesn’t need anything other than a loot table altering!


Not sure about gear drops, because it wouldn’t be anything better that aspirat/combatant ilvl gear, and it definitely would be with a lockout. But I like an idea to make Gurubashi relevant again!

Adding some Conquest points to the chest probably would work better.

Have you been to gurub as of late?
Its almost always peoples there, atleast 1 group on the arenafloor.

Get a party together and challenge them if you want some wpvp?

Idk about adding a real reward, maybe there will be too many peoples… 40v40 isnt that fun

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Yeah, a few times, never saw anybody at arena, only some lone ganker near quests area. Maybe it’s not as popular place to hang out on RP realms.

too much of high lvl trafic? somebody is going to steal your ganks?

Anyway - It could be way too disruptive for a zone of that level range.

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Naww, did i gank u? :wink:

There are peoples there now, just checked.
Not that many tho, 3-4… will be more in a hour or so for sure.

I think if there will be more peoples there will be sharding.

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You are on normal realms…

Hmm yea… on RP realms im sure it must be quite dead @ gurub.

But adding some new reward will make the place packed for sure, and that would suck.
Servers cant handle big wpvp

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Yeah, that’s true and suck.

Very good idea!

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