Gushing Wound Corruption Effect Reduction

Stop balancing pve around pvp and vice versa XD


people read between lines

nerfs to IS and most likely TD coming next :slight_smile:

so if i were you i would wait with spending even 1 echo.

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Where have they mentioned nerfing TD anywhere?

Thank you.

With Blizzard you learn expect the worst. I mean TD already does absurd amount of damage, when worn by tanks. Sooner or later someone in blizzard thinks its a nope-no.

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Fun detected!

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Just out of curiosity really because I’m always against the fun detected fun eliminated agenda blizzard has.

What is so fun about a passive dot that literally doesn’t affect your gameplay in any meaningful way?

If anything this corruption is anti-fun as it reduces the impact of player skill massively.

You suck at the game? fret not! having 9x gushing wounds will make sure you still do good dps, no matter how much you smash the keyboard or if you just press one button at a 2 seconds interval.

Some classes become a lot more fun when they reach certain stat points with some corruptions.

For example, arms warrior or Mistweaver monk that stack tons of haste.

Why does nerfing GW affects PvP only?
Isnt it the same with PvE?

Man, chill, I was joking

In this case the word “fun” is being used synonymously with “dealing good damage”.

I mean dealing good damage can be fun, sure, but this is literally “my big number of my dps meter will be smaller now, not fun”.

At least the stat corruptions as you pointed out can change class flow and such. GW is probably the least “fun” of the damage proc corruptions given the numbers aren’t huge and massive unlike IS or TD, it’s just that it’s ridiculously efficient due to consistentcy.

But I agree, I don’t really see the “no fun allowed” angle too much. With TD i absiolutely see it because having a small chance to blow up nearly half of your opponent’s health bar on a tank is pretty fun when it occurs. But a background ticking effect that is simply dealing very efficient damage? I mean if you’re a DOT fanatic I guess I can see it but otherwise meh.

The concern is still legitimate though irrespective of whether it’s “fun” or whatever, because it’s a bit bait and switchy on blizzard’s part. I really like the “difficult to obtain” part. There is NO difficulty in rolling a 1 on a 100 sided dice, it is entirely luck no matter what people convince themselves.

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In retail they have restriction between what you can do in pve and what you can do in pvp.

In pve you cant use pvp talent and spells.

In pvp your damage is reduced by 50% and also does your crit.

But in classic its different, everything goes.

I’m not.

I, personally at least, haven’t seen nasty personal messages other than the usual turn-of-phrase “I hope X bad happens” trolling.

Nobody has actually wished that developer genuine harm. Nobody has threatened him.

People have simply said his game sucks. And rightly so.

Corruption is bloody awul. It’s imbalanced, it’s random, you can’t target it, it destroys class and spec identity by overpowering it with other sources of damage. It’s frustrating and random to use, it can randomly kill you, and it’s frustrating to fight in PvP.

There are no positive aspects to corruption. Even the lore is questionable, although I can see it does have somewhat strong thematics.

To give an example of how much my spec identity is overpowered by corruption and the new essences, my open world questing has essentially been reduced to using Breath of the Dying into Fireblast on every single normal mob, killing them instantly. Occasionally I’ll encounter a harder enemy and I’ll pop all CD’s and Twilight Devastation will pop and delete half the map using non-mage spells.

I have no positive things to say about it, and I dearly hope to never see its like again.

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But it’s not in PVE. The strongest specs in the game are not going to use Gushing Wounds. Specs like BM hunter, Arms warrior, Fire mage etc. are all going to use the stat-corruptions anyway. Gushing wounds was a chance for the weaker specs to catch up just a little bit, but now that you’re nerfing it we are going to see the strongest specs moving even further ahead. If you care about balance in PVE you should leave gushing wounds alone.

Fun police engaged. Fun detected - fun nerfed! Yay! :smiley: :smiley:

Bruh you asume blizzard know what they are doing :smiley: :smiley:

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So Infinite Stars and Tendrils will be de facto meta for PvP now?

And I just opened GW corruption on Crit/Haste feet for the first time after almost 6 months on my priest and yeah you nerf it.

Blizzard really knows how to make player feel frustrated. They are masters of this fine art.

So stat classes can stack those to their heart’s content e.g. Masterful 3 and do incredibly overpowered levels of damage for only 20 corruption with the top tier. These classes are not going to pick up GW because the stat increases are better.

The classes who were behind them who would actually use GW get slapped with the nerfbat because it’s “overpowered”.

So basically, the worse specs are nerfed and the best specs become even more powerful and this is called ‘balance’?


then please finally nerf Twilight for real this time, its still sad to see people hitting top dmg meter for doing nothing, also tank prokks… and they are haveing FUN !!! they are having FUN playing with Twilight, so please do sth about that now.