Guys, look around....this isnt working

Season of discovery is a beta, to test and trial blizzards classic +,


just look at the forums ( EU and US ), nobody is happy,

Phase 1, 2 and now 3, players have complained and cried about everything to do with sod, and its obvious players are done with it, major cities are looking the most empty since sod began,
And phase 4 will be no different, its probably going to get worse in fact,

Honestly, at this point, just give us a fresh vanilla and tbc, becasue sod is a circus.

Fresh vanilla > tbc.


All in all overall im happy so far with what we got.

Why are you claiming no one is happy? Because the probably most toxic platform currently is overall negativ and the worst form of feedback that we have?


all the happy players are in game right now having a blast.
the unhappy players congregate on these forums to participate in yelling/sausage measuring contests.

your claim does not seem to reflect reality at all tbh. so good luck convincing anyone that people hate sod/classic+.

are there problems with the game? yes.
is there a divide between classic andies and retail tourists? yes.
is anyone asking for fresh era as a solution? lol no.


How many posts you on now?

116 by my count.

EDIT: shucks, 117.

So as youve spent your time dwelling on the forums, instead of playing the game,

Would you class yourself as an unhappy player? Reaching atleast 117 sausage measuring contests in 1 day…

i would classify myself as a relatively unhappy player right now, yes.

there’s a reason you see me pop around now in phase 3, and not in phase 1 and 2.

incursions are the prime reason for my anger and resentment as i personally strongly believe they have singlehandedly irreparably ruined the game’s economy and sense of progression.

when blizzard decides to take a huge disrespectful dump on players like me, who put in the effort to build our characters power level and personal fortune by introducing a literal hamsterwheel that allows everyone who didn’t put in the same effort to catch up to us IN ALL ASPECTS OF THE GAME all willy nilly, we got a problem.

incursions give you:
prebis Gear.

This is too much, even in a scenario where we cater to casual andy.
in regards to the gold… it doesn’t take a degree in basic economics to be able to correctly predict that this will cause vast levels of unhealthy inflation, which is by far the biggest problem of incursions.

and every day that goes by, thousands upon thousands more gold are pumped directly into the economy, increasing the severity of the problem exponentially and constantly.
removing incursions 4 weeks ago was too late, and every day that goes by with them still in the game is another 4 weeks too late to remove them.

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I was actually looking for a reaction out of you but instead you pretty much summed up my opinion of sod right now perfectly…balls,

For the OP, I would very much enjoy a tbc era, but heyho.

yeah i could tell. you’ve been trying to bait me for the past 5-6 posts worth of conversation.

curious what happens when someone doesn’t feel ashamed about being terminally online.
like yeah i could do with some grass touching, but the fact this is unhealthy is not lost on me, so i’m still ok.

its the people who don’t realize they have this problem, who has a problem.

its the same kind of mentality that separates a drunk who is aware he has a drinking problem from a drunk who is unaware he has a drinking problem.
at least the guy who realizes he has a problem is more prone to accept it as part of his condition and try to get better even if he can’t stop drinking, whereas the other will lament in self pity, blaming the world for his ills and woes and refuse to stop drinking.

this is all getting really philosophical and cringe now, though, so that’s all i’ll say on that note.

Its true, i have enjoyed the last 5-6 interactions,
Its something i like doing while on the forums, i find the forum trolls and proceed to mess with them for a while, almost " bully the bullies "

When i saw your " running on day 7 " thread which was clearly designed to ruffle feathers and troll the opposing faction, i knew it was a matter of time before we crossed.

My most infamous client is shivette, they provide endless entertainment.

Shivette is a real one though, he is one of the only people on this forum who remains grounded in reality when it comes to topics like shaman being a tad too strong.

there are people who will forego all sense of objectivity to promote their agenda and it has been rubbing me the wrong way for a while.

believe it or not, i was actually lurking these forums without posting for the past month or so. so i already have a good idea of who are here to have serious discussions and those who are here to babyrage about the latest fotm issue.

you are 100% correct about my “banter thread” though, it was designed to ruffle feathers and bait out a reaction in some people.
i was trying to attract some more people to Tanaris so i could grief them, lol.

like yeah i am completely aware that shadow priest is omega broken and that homunculi is bugged… there are no delusions of grandeur here.
i am indeed sitting on the guards abusing the fact that they will attack my homunculi target before going after me, which means i can essentially kill people on sight and escape the lawmen of gadgetzan scott free.

i was actually hoping it would cause enough outrage for someone to start campaigning for a homunculi nerf, but so far i haven’t really caused that to happen.

what i did learn, however, is that mages can do a similar grief with their living bomb and living flame. but you didn’t hear that from me… oh and hunters can eye of the beast their pet (or whatever the pet-control spell is called) and attack people in gadgetzan without provoking the guards… this one’s a freebie, go have some fun before the fun police comes around :slight_smile:

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Shivette was grounded with shamans becasue they main a shaman, its very easy to be biased, which meant theyre arguments were flawed, in the end it led to them basically calling anyone that voted for a shaman nerf bad at the game, and refusing to acknowledge that shamans were top dogs in p2 along with priests.

Alongside defending a class that has reaked havoc in sod, they love a good troll, i feel they calmed down a little bit recently, maybe they got bored of yapping.

yeah well, there are people who were just as bad on the opposite end of the spectrum in regards to shamans though.

it gets tiresome to see nothing but unreasonable people kicking and screaming about your class.

the outrage about shamans in phase 2 (WoE/Rockbiter/DW combo) and phase 3 (Overcharged) was justified, but even after that was addressed and giganerfed, people were still harping on about “please gut shaman even more” and that’s when that group of people lose all sympathy because its no longer reasonable to call for nerfs at that point.

some people seem to unironically think that if shaman can perform well in any aspect of the game, then that means they are OP and blizzard is showing unfair favoritism towards horde - all that while ignoring (or defending) some of the downright atrocious stunts a ret pala can pull off.

they want to have their cake and eat it too at this point, and that’s causing otherwise sane people (pure speculation of course) to go into troll-mode and say ridiculous things like “there was nothing busted about shaman in phase 2”.
its in the same vein of troll-dom as my banter post trying to lure people to gadgetzan is; clearly dishonest and provocative in nature.

Well That was the problem i had with the individual, they refused to acknowledge shamans needed those nerfs in the first place before they were implemented, once the nerfs were in, i had no issue,

I have a ret and a shadow, ill be the first to tell you they shouldnt be ignored,

I agree with 2 things from the OP, tbc as its my favourite version, no crime there,
And the part " p4 will be no different ",

Until the day sod ends, players will point fingers at any class other than theirs, and that wont fix anything,
Shamans pointing at priest, priests at rogues, rogues at meta locks, etc etc, it kinda is one big circus.

yeah unfortunately there is no cure for this disease. we’re just gonna have to try our best to avoid succumbing to it.
the best way to do that is by at least TRYING to drop all sense of biases (this is not easy, even for me) and try our best to remain objective when it comes to the overall health of the game.

people who are defending their class being overpowered are not doing anyone any favors.
on the contrary they are actively hindering progress by acting like the roadblocks they are, and its all out of pure selfishness (i.e “i dont want WoE/Rockbiter/DW nerfed because i enjoy being godlike”).

if everyone could drop the BS and at the very least admit to their biases, we’d have taken a huge step towards a better world… of warcraft.

You got me there :face_with_peeking_eye:. I haven’t always played a shaman, but I’ve been a troll main since OG vanilla.


Troll is master race.