[h] 2/8m - 384 balance druid lf guild

What I’m looking for:

  • A horde guild, preferably in my battlegroup, that focuses on mythic progression.
  • I’m looking to raid 2 days per week. No preference on specific days.
  • A guild that does stuff outside of raiding hours aswell.
  • I’m mainly looking for 8.1 raiding, but ready to jump in right now.

What can I offer:

  • I have been playing since early Wotlk and have been raiding on and off on pretty decent levels. I consider myself an experienced and mature player.
  • 99% attendance, It’s my interest to find an active guild and that’s also something I’ll bring to the table. Outside of raiding hours I’ll be around to different stuff in the game, I love running M+ and have several alts I enjoy playing aswell.
  • I have been maining a balance druid since BfA launch, this would be the main role I would apply as. However I do know how to play my off specs if needed.
  • I’m quick to learn new fights and my gear should be up to date for most content. My progression is 2/8m at the moment, with 383/385 gear. My M+ score is around 1250 (Not sure if that’s relevant, but I’m interested in pushing M+ content with guildies)

If this interests you feel free to hit me up and we can have a chat, my battle tag: Youn#2403

Hi there Jhinsu,

I know I have already applied to your last post but I have sent you a BNet friend request as we love the sound of you.

The Exiles are a 5/8M Horde 2 day raiding guild but afraid we are based on Shadowsong rather than in your battle group.

If you would like to read more check out The Exiles - Shadowsong on Wowprogress (I’m sorry but the new forums do not allow me to post links yet). You can also see there how active we are there in terms of running M+.

If you think we would be a good fit for you as well then I look forward to hearing from you. If not good luck in your search for a new home,

The Exiles

Hey Mate!

We are also looking for you! :slight_smile:. If you are interested in joining us, feel free to message us on Discord/Battle.net. About our guild:

Region: Europe
Server: Tarren Mill
Faction: Horde
Raid Schedule: Monday and Wednesday 20:00-23:00 (Server Time)
Raid Progression: 2/8 Mythic Uldir
<Resurge> are a mythic raiding guild that aim to clear heroic as soon as possible then progress into mythic and get as far as possible. We are building a 25-man team to clear heroic in new content as soon as possible. We will fine-tune and switch people around in mythic so everyone will have the opportunity to progress into mythic.
In need of: Tank (DK pref) Healer (Shaman or Disc) 2 Melee DPS - DH, DK or Enhance shaman 3 Ranged DPS - Shadow Priest, Druid pref At least 2 of these DPS will be required to have a OS Healing spec.
Raid Days (Server Time): Monday : 20:00 - 23:00 Wednesday: 20:00 - 23:00
What we can offer you: A fun, friendly guild and raid environment Dedicated guild leaders with a focused mind-set Helpful guildies on classes, M+, tips
What we expect: A friendly player A dedicated player Knowledge of your class or showing a willingness to learn We want to play to the best of our abilities and know as much as we can about our classes and current/upcoming raids so we are ahead of the curve. From this we hope to learn from others and meet new friendly faces to add to our growing team. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us in-game or on Discord:

Ketanji Discord – Ketanji#9560/Battle.net Ketanjal#2240
Brewdtea Discord - Pipjim#2139
Straar Discord – Straa#5545

Hey buddy, sounds like you have alot to offer and your looking for a guild with lots of fun, activities and a great atmosphere. We have all of that you seek. Check this one out and we’ll talk. have a great day!