Both me and my wife are looking for a new home to raid. Current content xp is 7/10M with prog on sludge down to sub 10%
Ideally we are looking for a CE guild (or a guild aiming for CE) as we both have CE Nzoth along with previous CE achievements both in BFA and previous expansions.
I currently have multiple characters at max level (druid, lock, priest, shaman, dh, hunter, paladin) and am happy to play whatever the roster needs, as it stands my warlock and druid (balance mainspec and decent gear for resto and guardian too) are both mythic geared anything else would need a reset or 2 to gear up.
My wife is looking to play resto druid with dps OS but can play another healer if needed (has resto shaman and holy priest at max and geared for mythic she doesnt like the disc playstyle so thats not really an option for her).
We would need a guild that starts no earlier than 20:00 server due to kids and work but later is also fine.
Feel free to add me for a chat fenrir#1833 (btag) or Jerky#5880 (discord)