[H] 2 High Mythic experienced Moonkin raiders LF Guild


Me and a friend are currently 7/8 and 8/8 HC lf a Heroic/Mythic Guild


We’re a mature HC and Mythic raiding guild called Ballmers Peak. Traditionally we’ve been focused on HC progress but in Uldir we also started Mythic progress but only managed to get 2/8 due to some dropping off the game. In BoD we got together a full Mythic team and managed to get 6/9M at the end of the tier.

We’re now recruiting more people for our Mythic team in order to continue progressing in the Eternal Palace. However, we definitely emphasize a good social environment over hardcore progression and most are “new” to Mythic progression. We don’t go for CE actively but we definitely want to push as far as possible while making sure it’s a fun experience.

We raid Wed & Sun 20-23 server time.

If you’re interested in speaking more you can hit us up on Discord at ErikB#5940 and I’ll be able to give you link to our Discord etc.

Hit me up on Discord Davidrh#8834 always free to chat.


Guild: Afterlife

Faction: Horde

Server: Draenor (EU)

Current progress: 3/8M

Raid Times: Wed 20:30-23:00 ST, Thur/Sun 20:00-23:00 ST

We are aiming for cutting edge, and so we are searching for like-minded people. All classes and specs will be considered. If you are interested in being a part of our community, please contact us.

Contact: JackHerb#2724

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