Me and my friend are looking for a PVE raiding guild. we like to regularly raid in a relaxing environment and slowly progress Mythic.
we would be available from
Monday to Friday.
20:00 to 23:00 (half hour earlier or later if needed).
14 years raiding experience ( from Hardcore to casual)
Fast learners
willing to adapt. (change specs/class)
Eager to progress (but not at the cost of RL)
Geared, Gemmed, chanted and simmed.
9/9HC 3/9M 1300+RIO
What we are looking for is a well established PVE guild that can offer us a regular raid spot 2 to 3 evenings per week.
With a friendly community and a strong policy against toxicity.
Main priority should be fun above everything.
If you are interested please don’t hesitate to contact me in game on Dracota - Draenor
I would love to have a chat with you as we are looking for DPS for our core team.
A bit about us
My guild has be active and stable for over 2 1/2 years and we are always looking for well rounded players to join the family.
We are semi hardcore and raid 2 nights a week wed & Sun st 20:00-23:00 currently BOD 9/9 HC 1/9 M CotS 1/2 HC we do a lot of in house M+ keys with guild members.
My vision is to go back to the love of the game, the reason we all started in the beginning and enjoy playing online with like minded people not letting it become a chore.
We are quite a active guild with in & out of raid days being on DC and a members online during the evening. As some of us have demanding jobs, young families & some are expecting new born additions we understand the daily duties and responsibilities required we try accommodate wherever possible.
If you would like more info or we tick some of you box’s give me a shout or add me on btag or any of my officers
Kind regards Phil
After being in this guild for 10+ days, doing raids, M+, voice chats and much more with them, I feel like I’m able to express how I feel about it currently.
So far; When I joined, I felt instantly welcomed and people looked interested/excited to meet me and talk to me. I voiced with them the same day and they were incredibly fun, weren’t scared to joke around, and they honestly treated me like a friend rather than a stranger. The GM’s and officers are very helpful and will happily talk with you if there’s anything that bothers you, and you try to sort it out together. The people generally are super helpful, friendly/inviting, playful, respecting/respectful and caring. There is a discord where we text and voice chat pretty much daily, so you won’t be left out if you can’t be online one day.
The raid environment;
It’s been awesome. They explained the fights, answered any questions. They never got toxic/aggressive or played the blame game. We were there as a team ready to progress, which is a feeling I rarely have in WoW nowadays. Everyone’s been patient and understanding, with the mindset that family & real life comes first and that’s fine if you notify them beforehand.
I strongly suggest giving them a go if you are interested, because this is a guild I can definitely see myself standing proudly with, and I have never found a guild with this vibe before.
Looking forward to meeting you there if you try!
Tactical Nuclear Penguin Formally known as <Efficiency> of Draenor are looking for excellent players to progress through Battle For Azeroth.
Current Progression
8/8 HC Uldir
3/8 Mythic Uldir
9/9 Normal Dazar-alor
9/9 Herioc Dazar-alor
4/9 Mythic Dazar-alor
2/2 Normal CoS
2/2 Herioc COS
Raid days: Tues-Thurs-Sun (9:00pm-12:00am ST).
We will always look at exceptional applicants in any class and If you want a home for the rest of your WoW career give us a try.
About us:
Formed August of 2018, we are quite new as a guild but have built a very strong core of players who enjoy raiding and enjoy raiding with each other, We pride ourselves on being a very closely-bonded guild. Many of us have been raiding together since Molten Core or previous MMOs. We think of each other as friends and family. We are not only building a raiding guild, but a raiding community.
What we offer you:
A guild where you will be treated with respect and your voice will be heard. We always welcome thoughts, ideas, and strategies.
A raid team where spots are given out based on merit and not on favoritism.
A guild in which you will get as much back as you put in.
A place to run Mythic + with and to make new friends.
What we want:
Players with a strong raiding background, a willingness to improve and thorough knowledge about their class. We are all social creatures that enjoy each others’ company. We are a guild of team players.
Drive to be the best of your class and spec.
People looking to be part of a team for the long term not to just grab curve then leave. We are looking for players that want to spend the rest of their raiding career here.
We want each and every one of our members to enjoy raiding here with each other and we recruit like-minded individuals.
Please head to:
https: / / (delete the spaces between)
or you can add me on bnet, Leoniaras#2118
Thanks and we wish you the best of luck in your guild search.
Thank you both kindly to responding to my post.
unfortunately Sunday is a bad day for me and my friend as a raiding day. and since we want to be part of progressing as a team both guilds wont be a good fit. I will edit my post for future interested parties.
We raid 2/3 days a week depending on need, starting in heroic and working our way through mythic each tier. We are a social bunch of loot hos, who live on discord and love mythic plus.
Best to read the post and if it interests you give me an add on battletag LAORII#2787, or one of the other officers listed in the post. Cheeeeeeers!!
retaliate are currently looking for some friendly and reliable players to bolster are numbers going into 8.2, we are currently 2/8m raiding two days a week fri/sun 8-11pm server time. the rest of the week we run lots of mythic plus from 8s to 15+, where always looking for nice friendly players to join us whether just for mythic plus, raids or having a laugh in chat
If interested you can wisper me in game
MĂżstie, shĂka or just ask someone for one of are other officers
You can add me on battle net if ur interested Setana#21724