[H] 2 returning players looking for raiding guild

Hey all, we are 2 returning players(Holy Priest and Ret Pala) looking for a group to raid and M+ with. Currently playing on Twisting Nether but would eventually transfer if we’re a good fit.
We last played CN where we were 8/10M.
We don’t have any experience of the current raid so ideally looking for a guild who are currently progressing HC so that we can learn together.
We can provide logs if needed.

Due to family we are available Sun-Thurs from 20:30 ST Or Fri/Sat- All day.

Contact me on bnet: SallyField#2901 Or Discord: DiscoDani#0363

Hello there just sent you a invite to discord and bnet so we can talk!

Hey there, if you are still looking for a guild and faction change is an option then please check us out!