Hello! My name is Pega (Not really, lol. Most people just call me Pega).
I am currently looking for a guild, a guild where I can raid and have fun at the same time. I have been raiding socially, semi-hardcore and hardcore and to me, I don’t mind which type. I just want to raid but my times are sadly limited by my work… 
My experiences as a WoW Player, I have been playing quite regularly since MoP but first started taking wow seriously in end of Legion and entire BFA, i raided entire BFA mythic. Sadly I did not achieve CE due to guild drama and ended up guild disbanding or what so ever.
I can only raid these times and days (SERVER TIME)
Wednesdays 18:00-02:00
Saturdays 19:00-02:00
Tuesdays 18:00-01:00
Thank you
Heya Pega,
If you don’t mind the transfer and the faction change then maybe have a look here? [A][Shattered Halls/Sunstrider et al.] A <Cozy> Home - #2 by Yogi-balnazzar
Guild: Exposure
Faction: Horde
Raid Days/Times: Wednesday & Sunday 20:00pm - 23.00 realm time
Current Progress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/draenor/Exposure
We are currently looking for more players for further HC progress and into Mythic, specifically
- Warlock (affliction)
- Mage
- Hunter
- Death Knight
- Exceptional players
- High attendance
- Good performance & attitude
- Knowledge of your class and spec
- Working mic & ability to talk
- Be organised & prepared - researched relevant fights, have consumables ready, be up-to-date on power progression and gearing opportunities outside of raids
About us
Exposure are a 2 day raiding guild that was formed Pre Patch BFA on Horde for Shadowlands. The core of the guild has established a good ethos for the community in the guild. We offer a mature, stable and competitive environment. Our aim in Shadowlands is to achieve CE each tier, while having fun along the way and keeping to 2 days raiding each week to allow for irl social life and commitments.
How to apply or contact us
Please apply here: https://discord.gg/WhSS7EgGR3
Or contact us: